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"Even if we're partnered for this mission, I don't trust you." I laugh, strapping on the belt on the helicopter. Ghost seemed to be taking this much more personally than I thought he would. Personal grudges sure do get in the way of my plans.

"Good. Don't trust me, trust my intel." I pull out a stick from my vest, beckoning him toward me. He eyes me from a seat over, not wanting to sit next to me. The others weren't this stubborn. "Come on, big guy. What's the worse I could do to your pretty face?"

"What are you planning?" He growls, though leans down toward me. I place a hand on his helmet before biting the cap off the product with my teeth. I smear the bar against the glass of his eye gear and some on the rim.

"Shadows don't look for people. They look for signs that don't seem right." I draw back, recapping the bar. "Reflections stand out, like the glare of binoculars. Believe me, Lieutenant, I don't trust you either. Maybe less. But we have a common goal, and you need me as much as I need you." Ghost scoffs, drawing back. He doesn't believe me.

Rather, I don't think I need him too. It would help to have someone on my side, but I haven't seen if that someone is a complement or a burden yet.

"The sooner we complete this mission, the better." He grounds out and I check the distance meter. We're close. He's already unbuckling himself and I heard the buzz of the intercoms telling us to line up at the door.

I swallowed, following him. Don't hesitate, Y/N. You've done this before, just trust yourself. "Scared?" Ghost says.

"As if." The door opens and I hold onto the side of the latch, wind streaming through my hair and scarf, I pull on the goggles and inhale.

"Drop interval starting in 3... 2..." Ghost jumps from the aircraft and I take an extra second to grit my teeth. "1... go!" I take two steps before leaping into the air. Free fall overtakes me and I fight back the urge to scream, the pressure of the wind slowing me down as I held my arms out. I could see the convoy, stark against trees lining a clearing of cars and heavy machinery.

A little ways off, yet not too far. And the container, a dull red against the green canopy, resting atop a truck. The world seems to quiet down for half a second and I see Ghost signal for me to get closer. I move my arms into my sides and fall quicker, wondering what he saw.

"Deployment interval in 5..." I could make out the branches of the trees. I move my arm back, before waiting for the countdown to reach 0. Ghost follows the cue this time and I'm jerked upward, the parachute wafting above me as it slowed my descent. "Head West, parallel to the location to land." I pull on one end, angling toward some lower tree tops.

I descend into the trees, before stopping abruptly as the branches caught onto the parachute. Just as I had planned. I unclip the harness before pulling out my knife and begin sawing away at a strap. Ghost lands quietly on the ground, before peering up at me. I stood on a branch, before ripping the insignia off of it. "Take it off of yours."

He, as much as he didn't trust me, obliged.

I bury it in the dirt. I hope he doesn't take it as some symbolic sign of my loyalty and curves it to some literaturelike representation of my priorities. He watches me with emotionless eyes. "Let's get moving." He growls.

I nod, following him. We landed around an hour away from the checkpoint. In two days, the truck will bring the cargo to the Port and in five, the ship will leave. I pick through the foliage, my left hand resting on the gun on my side. The dense forest was alive with the sound of birds and rustling, my senses overwhelmed. Having to pick someone from all of these stimuli would be difficult.

I pull out my locator device, peering past a tree. We're heading in the right direction. I slow my steps and Ghost does as well. "Watch out for traps. There might be trip wires all over the forest floor."

Untouchable | fdom x ghost x konigWhere stories live. Discover now