Kevin x Streber

187 4 2

Tw: Angst.
Kevin had finished work. He locked the doors and got into his car and drove off. Kevin drove over to the haunted house his boyfriend worked at, just to check up on him.

Kevin stopped the car at the haunted house and walked over. "Hey Strebs! I finished work so how bout we go to my place-" Kevin was quickly cut Streber on the ground, bleeding. "Oh my God.." Kevin mumbled. "S-Streber?! A-Answer me!" Kevin was shaking and crying. Kevin got his phone out and called for help.
"911, What's your emergency?"
"S-Send an ambulance!! My boyfriend's arm is d-dismembered!! H-He's not breathing!." Kevin said, crying.
"Don't worry, we're sending paramedics right away."
"P-please hurry!!" Kevin said.
"H-Hey..It's okay!.. You'll be o-okay!.." Kevin said, holding Streber close.

4 minutes later. The ambulance arrived, but they told Kevin they can't let him go with Streber to the hospital. Kevin was devastated when he couldn't see Streber. This could have been the last time he got to see him...

Y'all, do you want a part 2? Comment if u do cuz I have no motivation-

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