She was gagged before she could even finish her sentence. Eurytion grabbed her with one hand, putting duct tape over her mouth with the other. Annabeth looked like she already accepted her death, while Nico rolling his eyes, aiming his fiery glare at her as if to say nice going, dumbass.

Selene simply directed a glare of her own in response — leaning her head against the cool metal and trying to settle into a comfortable position.

'God, Percy, where are you?'

Her light blue eyes skimmed the area around them, as if she was expecting for sea-green eyes to be staring right back at her. She didn't know how long it had been — hours, maybe even minutes. But she'd be lying if she said she didn't miss him. Even if they couldn't talk to each other with duct tape plastered over their mouths, they probably could've thought of something fun to do that would annoy the shit out of everyone.

She fiddled with her fingers, which, were tied tightly to her back. She tried to slide her bracelet, Lunar, down to her fingers so she could tap it, but she wasn't having much luck. Geryon and Eurytion hadn't confiscated her weapon yet, so she figured this was her only shot.

Her wrists moved in instead of out — not resisting, and therefore, loosening the rope. She nearly cheered in victory when she felt a slim, silver bracelet reach her fingertips.

She observed everyone. Nico looked like he would rather get grilled into a hamburger than be here, and Annabeth  looked deeply concentrated, staring at Eurytion closely. Grover looked like he wanted to cry, utterly disgusted by what Geryon was currently doing, and Tyson directed him a look of pity — scooting closer in hopes to provide even slight comfort for the satyr.

Suddenly, all of her remaining hope drained when she felt Lunar slip out of her hand completely — falling to the wooden floor underneath and therefore, out of reach.

The fall of the bracelet wasn't exactly noisy, but it was somehow bright enough to catch the attention of Eurytion, who — raised a brow at it. Selene tried to quickly hide the bracelet under her combat boots, but it was too late.

"What's that?" Eurytion asked with a grunt — getting up with Orthus at his side. He walked towards her in two, long strides — the cowherd towering over her, studying her expression closely.

She tried to say something, but she seemed to momentarily forget her mouth was covered in duct tape. The only thing Eurytion could really hear were muffled curses.

Eurytion rolled his eyes at this, but turned to glance at Geryon, who — was still too occupied cooking Apollo's cows to notice what was happening. At this, Eurytion's demeanor softened slightly, and he turned to slowly (and painfully) rip the duct tape off her mouth.

Selene winced slightly at the burning sensation. She didn't answer Eurytion's question verbally, instead, looking up at him with a sour look. Her eyes spoke volumes; telling - practically begging not to say anything.

She was mildly surprised when Eurytion sighed, gave her a quick once-over, and walked back to where he was standing previously. Selene didn't realize she was holding her breath until the cowherd had fully walked away.

She exchanged turned her head awkwardly to look at Annabeth, who, had apparently seen the whole ordeal. The blonde glanced at Selene's boots, than nodded, as if she knew what she was thinking.

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