Chapter Three

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Frank internally and externally cringed as Gerard and Bert pulled a chair up and sat down next to him and Mikey. Again, he wasn't scared of Gerard, he never had been, but just didn't particularly like him; especially since not even 24 hours ago, Gerard Way was threatening his life.

Last time Frank checked; you don't really become friends with someone who threatened to kill you. But that's just Frank's opinion.

"So Frank...why are you here with my brother?" Gerard asked, motioning towards the little dork who was now eating his pizza with a fork.

"He showed up on my doorstep because my mom volunteered me for babysitting him." Frank answered, not looking at Gerard or his bitchy friend Bert: Bert the Bitch.

"Oh...Mikey, why do you need a...oh..." He stopped when he saw that Mikey was now covered with cheese from the pizza, pepperoni covering the lens' in his glasses. "Never mind."

"I thought the same thing. I thought he'd be normal...but no, he's pretty fucking exotic." Frank said, looking at Mikey, a little disgusted at the meat that was on his face. "That's a little gross."

"What?" Bert piped up. "Is little Frankie a vegetarian?" He smirked a smirk that Frank didn't like; in result he moved away and grabbed the fork that was wrapped in the napkin.

Bert laughed as he plucked a piece of pepperoni off the pizza and lunged at Frank, forcing his mouth open.

"Bert!" Gerard yelled.

"Get off me!" Frank yelled, taking the fork and stabbing it into the back of his hand and getting up.

"Ow! Son of a bi -"

"Eh hem?" A waiter asked, standing and watching then sight in front of her.

"He did it!" Frank pointed at Bert and grabbed Mikey's hand before running out of the restaurant.

The two got safely to the sidewalk before Mikey whined. "I never got to finish my pizza!"

"You never actually ate the pizza, Mikes, it was all over your face." Frank said, thinking back to only about 7 minutes ago. "You have grease all over your face, better hope you don't break out or something."

Mikey shrugged. "Eh. I don't really care...but I need something to clean my glasses." He smiled sheepishly at the older boy next to him.

"Yeah yeah, I got this." Frank smiled as they entered the house and he went straight to the bathroom to find stuff to clean the glasses.

"Um...can you hurry up? I gotta go to the bathroom!" Mikey cried from the hallway.

Frank sighed and walked out, "glasses cleaner is on the counter." He said and walked down the stairs just in time to hear the door being knocked on.

Frank walked to the door and opened it; he momentarily forgot the the phrase 'stranger danger!'.

Gerard stood at the doorstep with an uncomfortable look upon his face. "You realize that we got in trouble, right?"

"Why are at my house?" Frank asked, completely ignoring Gerard's comment. "How the fuck do you know where I live?"

"Gee!" Mikey yelled suddenly and ran to Gerard, hopping into the arms of the older boy and hugging him.

"Hi Mikey." Gerard said back and looked to Frank. "There was a note my mom left, she told me the address so I could pick him up when I was done with my plans...those happened to get cut short through, so..."

"Whatever, I get it. You get in trouble, boo hoo. You have your brother, now go home." Frank rolled his eyes and went to close the door when a foot came out and stopped the door from closing all the way. Frank sighed out and pulled it back open. "What the fuck do you want?"

Gerard looked like he was getting pissed, he was trying to contain it though - with the boy in attached to him. "I just wanted to say that I'm sorry that Bert tried shoving fucking pepperoni down your little vegetarian throat."

Frank only stared at Gerard before he slammed the door and walked upstairs to his room.

He knew it would piss him off, whether he liked Frank or not, he hated when people disrespected him.

Oh fucking well though, right?


Gerard looked at the closed door in his face and he could seriously feel his blood pressure rising, he let out a frustrated and beyond pissed sigh and grabbed Mikey's hand before walking down the street.

Frank Iero slammed the door in Gerard Way's face. How fucking dare he? All Gerard was trying to do was apologize to Frank for Bert's douchiness.

But no...Frank had to be an asshole about it.

"Mikey. Let go of my hand." Gerard warned, Mikey did without question and stepped back when he saw how mad Gerard was.

Gerard stepped forward and punched the closest thing; which happened to be a telephone pole and cried in pain when his fist connected with the thick wooden pole.

He couldn't feel his hand, and it started bruising instantly from the full-on contact with the object.

Mikey looked frightened when he tried to grab Gerard's hand again.

"No Mikey, other hand." Gerard ordered, Mikey nodded and grabbed the other hand and they started walking again.

"Are you and Frank not friends?" Mikey asked quietly.

"No. He doesn't like me." Anyone in this world could look at Frank when he looked at Gerard and tell that Frank absolutely hated Gerard with a passion.

"Why does he hate you?"

"Because he's not as smart as he thinks he is." Gerard answered. He took his sore hand and pointed to his head. "He's just doesn't like the fact that he's not the smartest person." I am.

Gerard smirked to himself, "I don't see why that would piss him off though."

Mikey shrugged. "I like Frank."

"I don't care if you like Frank, just because I don't doesn't mean that you can't either." Gerard said. "I only hate him because he hates me -- so the feelings mutual."

"Why not bandage up the wound?" Mikey suggested.

What? How the fuck did my brother get so wise? Gerard looked down at his brother-the one who had pepperoni on his glasses-with confusion. "What wound?"

"One of you hates the other but the other doesn't and only hates them because they hate why not make him your friend?" Mikey asked. His face was so innocent. But high school wasn't like middle school or elementary. People were dicks. You can't apologize and it be all good. It be like a 'we're good, but you have to do my homework for the next week, okay?' type of thing.

"Mikey...I can't do that." Gerard sighed. It almost sounded pathetic.

"Why?" Mikey asked. He had his gaze focused on the sidewalk in front of him.

Because. That was what Gerard wanted to say. I don't want to seem weak and/or scared.

Instead, Gerard just looked down to his brother with a serious tone; "because I'm a bully Mikey, I don't fucking apologize - especially if I have nothing to apologize for."

Anyone go to Gerard's concert in Detroit? I did and I was so scared and excited at the same time, we got pictures! I don't have them, otherwise I would put them here but he is as sassy in real life as he is in the fanfics #hipswing

He did the trans/binary talk too, it was beautiful and he has the voice of an angel (though, it does sound different live then it does on the radio, and his hair is fucking amazing.)

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