𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 13: 𝑨 𝑯𝒆𝒓𝒐'𝒔 𝑾𝒆𝒍𝒄𝒐𝒎𝒆

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Naruto and Sakura arrived at the gate early to see the people they would be protecting. The caravan was filled with valuable supplies that Konoha was going to be trading for a large sum of money. It was very important that it reached its destination unmolested. While the caravan itself was normal enough, the people with it were another story. Most of them looked scared and jumpy while others were quite shifty and some seemed quite happy for reasons that could probably only be described as very bad. This was definitely a freelance caravan. Now as to why it was here puzzled the two shinobi. Normally freelancing caravans had their own outfit of hired thugs and mercenaries as protection. The fact that this one could hire shinobi meant they were doing quite well for themselves. Despite the shifty attitudes of most freelance caravans, they were reliable to pay what they owed. Naruto and Sakura decided to wait for the rest of their team before they introduced themselves. Naruto and Sakura found a spot on the rooftops to sit and wait for their three students. It was only ten more minutes before the three excited genin could be heard approaching. Several members of the caravan turned towards the voices and a dark expression fell upon their faces. They turned away in dismay and many went to the middle wagon where they removed several bundles of weapons and checked the condition of each one.

'So they protect themselves and trade. I see why they have so much extra money.' Naruto was fairly impressed that the merchants also fought their own battles. That would explain the look many had. Battle hardened and ready for almost anything. Rykuga appeared around the corner with Mikasu on his right and Nabitora on his left. They noticed the weapons in the traders hands and tensed slightly but continued forward, this time without making any noise. Naruto smiled at their alertness and motioned for Sakura to get next to him.

"I think we should get down there before our team kills the clients." Sakura nodded her agreement and the two leapt down in front of the genin causing Rykuga to yelp while the others jumped back slightly before relaxing at the sight of their senseis.

"Lets go meet the client." Naruto turned and found himself face to face with a behemoth. The man was at least seven feet tall and rippled with muscle. Hell his muscle had muscles! His head sported jet black hair which was buzz cut. His black eyes held a look of weariness and wisdom. He had a scar running from the left temple all the way to the right side of his neck, stopping just above where the artery was located. He had clearly had a close call. When he finally spoke his voice was deep and commanded respect.

"I am the man who hired you and I'm also the leader of this freelance caravan group. Call me Kazuki." The giant bowed slightly and Naruto returned the gesture before he introduced his team.

"My name is Naruto Uzumaki. My co-sensei is Sakura Haruno." Sakura also bowed before Naruto continued. "The red head is Rykuga Azu, the lazy girl is Mikasu Senju, and the broody blue haired boy is Nabitora Shiro." Each of the genin bowed as Naruto said their names, completely unfazed by his description of them. Kazuki grunted his reply and spoke to the caravan.

"Ok escort's here so lets move it!" It took 30 seconds for them to get stuff put away before the wagons began moving, starting the slow journey to the Wave.

"Didn't expect his team to be assigned."

"Is that going to be a problem?"

"No." The blade glinted in the moonlight as he removed it from its sheath. "Not a problem at all."

"Good. Make it fast. Orochimaru-sama wants the contents of wagon five intact. The rest doesn't matter."

"Survivors?" The dark haired boy asked.


After three days of travelling at a civilian's speed the bridge was finally in sight. A sigh of relief spread through the line of wagons and they put on a final burst of speed to reach the bridge. Upon arrival, Naruto paused and smiled at the plaque above the entrance.

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