"Garcia, can you enlarge the wounds on the victims' backs?" I ask and she immediately zooms.

"what kind of draw is it?" asks JJ.

"It's not a drawing, they look like writing" says Reid.

" -Lucifer- was written on the back of the first victim" I say. The letters are poorly written, probably the unsub wrote them post mortem.
The second photo was taken badly, unfortunately it is not possible to read the second writing on the back of the second victim.

"We'll start profiling the unsub on the jet, wheels up in 30." I missed these words so much and I also miss the jet, even if we flew to Oakland a few days ago. I'm not used to flying anymore, after what happened to Emily we didn't have any more cases.

We arrive on the jet. I take the window seat, Emily sits next to me, and opposite me are Reid and Morgan. Garcia is online on her computer so she can tell us about the case.

"it appears the unsub is a college worker or a student" says Morgan looking at the papers.

"Yeah, I totally agree. The unsub left their bodies in two common places in the college." says Hotch.

"the trip won't last long, but when we land Emily and I will go to the crime scene, Rossi and JJ will go to talk to the two families of the victims, Morgan y/n and Reid will go to the coroner for the autopsy of the two bodies, tell us what you discover." concludes Hotch. We nod and we wait until the plane will land.

As soon as we land, me, Morgan and Reid get in the SUV and head to the coroner's office.
The doctor explains that both victims' wounds are post-mortem and were incised by a knife. "Charon" is written on the back of the second victim.
I glance at Reid, because I know that he knows the connection between the two victims. He glances at me too and we explain to Derek and to the doctor what we have just realized.
They are both two characters who, according to Dante, went to hell. We call Hotch and tell him what we found, when he informs us that there was another victim and to go to the crime scene first, not too far from here.

As soon as we arrive we pass the yellow tape and show the card to the other agents. This time the girl is in the college gym.
"Ulysses" was written on the back. Spencer sends the photos to Hotch and we go back to the police station ready to deliver the profile.

"We're looking for a white guy who goes to the same college as the 3 victims" explains Aaron to the cops.

"we also think that he targeted some girls in the school, we have questioned friends and relatives, they said they have never committed anything serious." says JJ.

"we think that while studying literature he was inspired by the characters sent to hell according to Dante, such as Ulysses, Charon and Lucifer."

"the policemen will guard the school and we ask the students not to leave their rooms." concludes Morgan.

That night we decide to join the hunt for the unsub. In this boarding school, there are many rooms that hold at least 4 people inside. Maya Smith, the roommate of the 3 girls, has been monitored at the police station all day, and is now in the interrogation room with Morgan, to help us get the unsub. We think it's a boy, also because it's usually the boys who kidnap the weaker girls.

Maya stays at the station with JJ, while me, Hotch, Reid, Morgan and Rossi position ourselves in different common areas of the college.
My phone rings, it's JJ.

"Hey, Maya is here with me and the sheriff, she says that there's a guy, Joseph Brown, he is very introverted and has always had a strange behavior.  he knows the victims well and they often teased him for what he did. His room is 218 try to check."

"Ok JJ I'll call you back." I hang up and I run until I see Rossi in the corridors and ask him to come with me in case we have to run.

We knock on the door, then a boy in a black hood opens it for us. She had brown hair and wore it a bit long. We kindly ask him to come in. He sits on the bed and Rossi and I check his room.
his room was filled with books, posters, and articles about mythology and hell.

Noises are heard coming from the wardrobe, Rossi goes to open it but yells at us not to open the wardrobe, he drops Rossi and points a knife to his throat. I punch him and then another and then a kick, the boy knows how to defend himself but I was trained by the FBI, I drop him and handcuff him. We manage to get the girl out of the closet and out of college.

"Thank you" says Rossi on the return journey.

"Don't thank me, I just wanted to protect you." I reply.

"What happened to Joseph after his arrest?" asks Garcia by videochat.

"Well, he's going to juvenile detention to read a lot of books" I say.

"when you come back can we go to dinner together in that chinese restaurant?" asks Garcia.

"of course Garcia" replies Hotch with a rare smile on his face.

It's as if in that moment all the tensions between us have melted away, as if nothing has ever happened to Emily or to any of us after some trauma.

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