Single, until I met you.

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Hailey-James, 17 from Adelaide, South Australia.

Saturday January 31st 2018, my first day of  year 11. The last few years of my highschool life have been anything but memorable. I formed friendships that I believed would've lasted forever, oh how was I so far from being right. Everything I love just comes crumbling at my feet ready for me to pick it up and build it back to the masterpiece it once was.

Today 2 years ago is the day I lost my favourite person, the literal love of my life. Caleb Alexander. Oh how I miss you my sweet boy. Caleb was my everything, he was the type of person that loves me for anything and everything I was and wanted to be. The day I lost Caleb, I lost myself and that is the hardest pain to ever overcome.

I'm happy being lost, even if sometimes it may feel lonely. Caleb and I were always lonely together and I wouldn't trade that for the world. Being lost isn't necessarily bad you know, it assists to me be invisible at school, that's only good because it means I don't have to fill my mind with the bullshit teenagers around here think they go through. They haven't had it tough, just cause mummy and daddy don't wanna give them money isn't the end of the world. It honestly doesn't even compare to a real loss.

Dear Caleb, todays our first day of year 11!
Just under  one year to go, i wish you were here to celebrate with me. It's gonna be lonely, it's good when it's like that because it's like you're always with me. You know I hated being popular and having people feel sorry for me. This way with you um nevermind... anyway I love you dearly. Have a fantastic day, walk with me today, guide me to where I need to be. I love you, forever and always.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2022 ⏰

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