The Festival

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I hope you like it and its a fan fiction you stay up till 2 am reading... Enjoy

Once upon a time in a kingdom by the sea there was a prince with emerald eyes and a freckled face, there he lived with his younger brother Samuel and his father, John the king. This young prince was destine to be the king one day of the great kingdom Earth. Dean was this young boys name.

As for Castiel, things weren't so peaches and cream. Castiel was a warrior form Heaven, a bright blue eyed boy who always thought he could be doing something better for the kingdoms than standing in a straight line guarding stupid jewels. Even though Castiel was a prince, he was one of many. Lucifer, the second oldest of the angels was next in line for king. Their kingdom was heaven, it was placed on a mountain up where the sky was always blue.

The last of the kingdoms is Hell, ruling down by the field the sky always grim and grey. Crowley the king made his fortune off of mining down deep in mountains, Chuck or God and him didn't have the greatest relation ship. Crowley always tried to buy out spaces of Heavens mountain for their gold and jewels, Heavens angels always had to chase him out.

Now that we have all the kingdoms, this is where the story will begin.

"Stand up straight soldier" Castiel gets a whack on his back by an older angel.

"Sorry sir" Cas straightens up putting a hand on his sword, dreading and waiting for his shift to be over. Little girls run up to him ruffling his feathers laughing, he keeps a straight face. A horn sounds and Cas relaxes letting his wings slump to the floor. More angles switch their shift and Cas walks down through the town when he feels a elbow on his shoulder "Shift over?" Gabriel says though a cupcake. "Yes, I'm guessing you to?" Cas says keeping the same posture walking through the town. His wings dragging. " Nope mines just starting baby brother" Cas stops looking over to Gabriel "Then what are you doing here you know how they treat late soldiers" Castiel says his eyebrows furrowed towards Gabriel. "Eh they cant hurt me that bad, I mean I'm already an Arch angel" he says with a wink. "Now Cassie I.."

"don't call me that"

" Ok Cas, so I have been a little worried on how much time you've been spending in town."

"Well Gabriel it is my job to watch the towns jewels as is your."

Gabe nods "But have you ever been to another kingdom?"

"Yes I've been to Hell to talk about contracts.."

"No Cas first off you where there to guard the contract, second I meant as a fun trip to explore hell a little. I hear the demons are a knock out." Gabe laughed elbowing Castiel in the torso.

"Well next week Im being assigned to watch over Gods jewels at the Earth festival.."

Gabe sighs "Cas you need a vacation..."

Gabe was cut off by a guards yelling "thats my cue!" He runs off acting hurt as an excuse to the guards.

"Dean! Dean!" Sam runs into Deans room excitedly. "Todays the festival!" Sam jumps onto Deans bed making Dean groan trying to push him off.

"Sammy go back to bed its not till tonight."

"Come on Dean! All of the kingdoms are coming! Where getting to meet the angels this year!"

Deans rolls over to look at his brother.

"The angels really? You see them every year Sam"

"But this year dad says we can go met them! Dad says we can talk to one before the festival!"

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