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a.n mentions, child abuse, domestic violence, rape and murder, alchol and drug use if they are triggers for you, watch for this symbol at the begining = and this symbol at the end + then when you see the plus symbol it is safe to read.

ultron arrived in wakanda and met with Ulysses Klaus, "everyone is afraid of something" "cuttlefish, those big fish that hypnotise their prey, your not in charge i wanna speak to the man in charge" ultron smashed through the window "there is no "man" in charge lets talk business {he points to the vibranium} i need vibranium" "you know that came at great personal cost, it's worth billions" "well i always say keep your enimies rich and your friends rich and wait to find out which is which" "stark" "what?" "tony stark used to say that to me, your one of his" ultron chops off klaus's arm and says that he is not and that stark is a sickness "oh juinor your gonna break your old mans heart" "if i have to" "we don't have to break anything" "clearly you've never made an omlet" "he beat me by one second"

"can you take anything seriously?  asked rosa "no i can't" said stark

the twins attacked and wanda messed with thor's mind "the girl tried to warp my min...." he stopped and saw his vision, she went for steve next and then natasha

natasha appeared in the red room, the girls were in ballet outfits

natasha: {to herself} "this is 2006"

she stopped and saw girls being taught ballet, natasha was there, when the finished, 16 year old Erena walked to her sister, she was empty.

"Erena" natasha whispered sadly

 "what did you do?" "she is our best assassin, she killed a whole royal family at age three, we can't have that change" "what ever you have put in Lesya it will kill her" "not yet, i will make you a deal" "i'm listening" "to get what we put in her, you need to cut her neck open and let her bleed, then we will give her a blood transfusion, blood compatiable to hers, your for example" "deal {she holds her hand out to shake and then retracts it} but she doesn't go through with the ceremony at all" "your a little minx, but agreed" they shook hands and the deal was set. natasha saw herself getting trained as an assassin "sloppy pretending to fail" "the ceremony is nessecary for you to take your place in the world" said madam k to Erena "i have no place in the world" said natasha and Erena at the same time "exactly" said madam b

we see Erena getting the graduation ceremony, medical equitment is everywhere

we see Natasha shooting targets at the same time as her sister, and then it switches to two live targets, humans

natasha, is living her worst nightmare again, she remembers the cuffs to the bed, she still has the scars, and sees her dead sister the lover of bucky barnes, clint knocks out wanda

"sorry kid" "meh" said wanda, {a.n because i already made her, by accident make bruce live his worst fear, i will skip to the safe house sence and i'm gonna pretend maria is there in the jet and at wakanda with them and coulson will, be the one to tell them to "run and hide"}

 "your best bet would be hide it out" "so run and hide?" "i don't have that much more to offer" and he hangs up "wanna switch out?" "no i'm good, were still a few hours out, besides i can put it on autopilot" barton did that and walked to viktoryia "nat, wanna talk about it?" "i saw it, Erena's graduation ceremony, the deal she made with madam b to save my life but we don't talk about that deal, the shooting of a human, my sister and i didn't even hesitate, we just shot them, being told we were sloppy, the cuffs to the beds all of it" "you told me about a deal, that she made what was it?" "as you know, they put something in my blood, which made me empty, feel nothing not even pain which i still can't feel anyways, anyway she was angry because no-one else had that, it was because i killed a whole royal family by the age of three and they needed their best assassin to not feel anything, but the thing in my blood would kill me, so she made a deal and that was to save my life, she would have to slice my neck open, and let me bleed out for awhile and give me herblood, and in that deal was for her to keep the ability to have children, madam b wasn't to happy but it was that or let her best student die" clint nodded "were here" everyone got off the ship and were outside a house "safe house?" asked tony, "lets hope" said natasha, clint opens the door and a pretty women is in the kitchen, natasha looks at her face and taps clint "i see it" he whispers "laura" laura jumped and grabbed a knife she sighed in relief when she saw it was clint and natasha "sorry little jumpy" "he's been here then?" "he is here" she said "in the barn" "i'm gonna get him" said natasha, clint grabbed her wrist "no, remember what he did to you?" "oh whateve..." "i'm being serious, wait till he leaves then my brother is all yours, killing him would great" "oh good i've been waiting years for this" said natasha "laura, my sister-in-law" "you got a brother?" asked tony "horrible vile murderer" said natasha 

Avengers x Harry Potter, Clint Barton/Potter, Main Priority Story Under Editing.Where stories live. Discover now