4.) Gentle Giants and Death Tickets

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In that same moment I saw the leg of the goat fall from somewhere and land on the roof of the other car. My hand flew to cover my mouth. I looked at my dad and moved as slow as I could back into my seat. My hand was still over my mouth when my back hit the rest of my seat. "What is it? Lorelai. What's wrong?" They both asked me at the same time. "We, we're not alone anymore. Something is wrong. Nothing makes the ground tremble like that. Not unless-" "Not unless that something is really really big." Ian finished for me. The ear splitting roar that sounded was proof enough that something really big and mean was about to either kill us or get really close to it.

"Man I hate being right all the time." Ian said. "That was the Rex. Nothing else big enough to make those tremors make that sound." I told him and my father. "So what are we gonna do?" Ian asked a little alarmed. "Their vision is based on movement. If we don't move then there is no way that thing will be able to see us." I told them. Really I was telling Ian since my father already knew that. I just hoped the kids and Geranno knew that in the other car. "I really just wanted a vacation from Montana, I didn't want to die here." I said a little above a whisper. "You won't die here Lor. I promise you that." Ian said way faster than my dad could. I smiled up at him and gently grabbed his hand. I was terrified and there was nothing that we could do but wait and see. I looked up to see the giant monster-thing ripping away the electric cable that kept it in its paddock. All of the power was shut down. That's why we weren't moving and that's why she was able to get out.

As soon as she was out the petty lawyer took it as his chance to abandon the children. He left the door open and everything. "He left them. He actually left them." I said to myself in hysteria. The movement made the rex look in our direction. No. Not our direction. The childrens direction. Where they were flashing around a flashlight. They were making themselves the largest target in this entire park. "Turn it off turn it off." My dad whispered to himself. It was too late. She knew something was in there and she was going to do anything she needed to do to get to them. I pushed the small button that opened my window. "What the hell do you think your doing?"  I was asked instantly but I didn't take my finger off the button. I was a good liar and now was the perfect time to use it. "I need air or I'm going to have a panic attack. now shut up so she won't look over here next." They nodded and I smiled.

I waited until the rex wasn't looking in my direction, and then I did something I never thought I would do. I flung myself out of the window and crawled as fast as I could over to the children. The best part was that since my father knew I would die if he called out my name, they both didn't move. When I was out of her sight though I looked back and saw nothing but pure fear and worry. I crawled in the car with the kids and took the flashlight away from them, however doing so Timmy flashed her right in the eye. In that instant, she broke through the top of the car. We were all on our backs trying to hold the glass up. I had strong legs, I knew that, but even still it didn't matter. She was just that strong. I didn't realize that I was grinding my teeth together so hard or that I was really grunting and straining. All I knew was that I had to keep these kids alive. Me after that.

I was snapped out of that though when she pulled her head back, and then started to try and flip the car. I wanted to pull them to the window or door but by the time I had rangled them she had already flipped us over. I felt glass and metal slice through my arms and legs but I didn't care. I had the kids mostly covered, that's all I cared about. That was until she started to step on the car, effectively crushing us down into the mud. The kids crying made it hard to think straight but they were even more scared than I was so there was nothing that I could blame them for. I got myself out, then grabbed for Lex, that was until I heard her scream harder, telling me that she was right behind me. I rolled out of the way from her mouth and to the other side of the car, I needed to try and get Timmy out while I was on this side at least, but his feet were caught. And really there was nothing that I would be able to do with her right here.

I took the chance and ran back to my dad and Ian. I instantly ran to the back with the flares. "What are you doing now." My father asked. "Are you insane?" Is what I heard from Ian. I smiled as I lit my flare. "Not Insane. Just Chaotic." I told him as I ran back and waved my arms around like I was actually crazy. "Come on you big son of a bitch come and get me!!" I screamed. That got her attention and she left the kids alone. "Dad, Ian get the kids out of there. Go hide where there are more trees." I told them as I started to run. I threw the flare and hid behind a trash can when I knew that she was really following me. I heard her roar and then the soft hiss of another flare. I peeked out despite my better judgment and saw Ian being thrown into the bathrooms where the shitty lawyer ran.

Then I saw the shitty lawyer's demise before her attention was turned back on the car and my father. I knew that he knew what he was doing so when I deemed it safe I ran back and tried to see if Ian was ok. "Ian!" I yelled when I found him. I saw that he was bleeding pretty badly from his leg. I did the only thing that I could think of and that was to take his shirt off and use it to make a makeshift tourniquet to prevent him from bleeding out. "You know if you just wanted me to take off my shirt, Little Grant, You could have just asked." He said, trying to get me to laugh. It worked but I was still crying, though I couldn't feel the tears running down my face. "Hey don't cry for me. We just met. Go and save yourself. I promised you wouldn't die here." He said, wiping my tears away. "If you die here, so do I. I don't care if we just met. The instant you die, I will too." I said sternly, surprising myself a little at me being so forward. But it was true. I was in love with Dr. Ian Malcolm and I was gonna save his life even if it killed me.

Not Insane. Just ChaoticOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora