Do You Believe In Magic

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Morpheus was furious, not only had this upstart magician managed to banish the only clue he had of this helm straight back too hell. But he was continuously flirting with Nyx, and she didnt seem to mind it, in fact she thought him... Pretty.

Nyx moved to follow the magician and Morpheus with a huff followed her. Outside Hettie was again speaking to Constantine "I said the Sandman, and I meant the bleedin' Sandman." She glanced to Morpheus "It's good to have you back, Milford and your lady. Don't let him mess you about."

Constantine considered the two before him for a moment before speaking "My gran used to tell me stories about you lot."

"We've known your family for centuries." Nyx told him causing him to grin wryly "Then you know there's not one of us that can be trusted. What do you want with me?"

"Something of mine came into your possession." Dream informed the man, trying to keep a grasp on his temper "A leather pouch filled with sand. I need it back."

Constantine thought for a moment before he seemed to remember "Oh, that was yours? Bought it at an estate sale. Didn't even manage to get the drawstrings open."

"Where is it?"

"No idea. Could be anywhere."

Nyx could feel her Masters temper beginning to boil and she quickly interceded "We have to find it Mr.Constantine."

A mischievous grin crossed the mans face "First off, its just Constantine, or John for you gorgeous." Nyx couldn5 help the small blush that crossed her pale cheeks, which was noticed by both men present.

"Secondly why is that?"

Morpheus stepped forward eyes blazing as he informed the foolish mortal "Because without it, my realm will cease to exist, and if dreams disappear, then so will humanity."

Constantine scoffed turning to walkaway.  "No offense, to either of you, but... I could do without dreams for a while. Haven't had a decent night's sleep in ages. "

"And you won't," Nyx informed him causing the magician to turn slightly as she continued "until my master gets his sand."

Morpheus nodded taking Nyx's hand in his own again and giving the magician his kingly stare "We must go, now."

Constantine raised an eyebrow "Does this approach generally work for you? You just turn up and order people about?"


"Generally.. Yes"

The Magician chuckled in amusement at the two who definitely seemed attached at the bloody hip. "All right. I'll help you find your sand."


"First thing tomorrow, and I work alone... Though I might make an exception for this lovely lady." Constantine smiled in Nyx's direction causing Morpheus to yank her behind him with a growl "No."

Constantine's grin turned to a smirk, he was going to enjoy getting under the Dream Lord skin "Don't want you, your lady, and your friend following me all over London."

"My friend?"

Constantine pointed "Is that not your raven? My gran said Dream always had a raven."

"Not anymore." The two immortals stalked in the ravens direction glaring at the creature "Who are you?" It spent a moment pretending to be a normal raven until Morpheus demanded "Tell me your name."

"It's, uh, Matthew, sir.. Maam."

"Matthew, I've made it clear to Lucienne that I do not require a raven at this time."

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