Chapter 5

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She pulled your hair harshly as Sooah in the back laughed. The guy with the knife gave it to Harin as she held it with a lazy grip, seeing this as your chance you smash your forehead into her nose as she grabs her nose and you throw the knife away from her. Sooah laughed as Minjun tried to yell for help. Kicking the guy behind you the other one grabs your other foot, lifting it up as you kick him away with the other leg. Falling to the ground the third guy kicks you in the back of your head and you grab your head as you feel the terrible pain going through your head, opening your eyes you see everything blurry. Trying to stand up you fall again as you become dizzy.

"You bitch!" Harin feels anger and grabs your face again, "this bitch is kicking everyone around! That's not polite..."

"Break her leg then, that would be funny," Sooah spoke up as Minjun's eyes widened.

"That's too much-"

"Haha good thinking Sooah, then she can stop butting in."

Just at this time one of the guys had his jaw hanging as the others looked. There was Jake, with his jaw tightened and an icy glare. "The fuck did you say you are gonna do to Y/n?" Looking at you he sees some blood on your head as he feels any remorse leave his body. He grabs the guy who held your leg and smashes his face to the floor, and again, and again.

Looking at Harin he punches her face, pulling her hair "fuck did you say to her!"

"So-sorry it wasn't my idea! The girl there it was her idea-!"

Sooah gasped at that as she makes eye contact with the raged ginger. He hits Harin a few times, not caring that she was a girl or that it was her face. Walking up to Sooah she starts tearing up as the other two guys start to try doing something as he hits one of them with his elbow and the other gets kicked. As they stay there in pain Sooah is ready to run while Minjun is ready to run to you as he punches her making her stop moving.

Grabbing Sooah he starts beating her up, until her face is bloody, his eyes stay in one place as he continues hitting her as she starts choking on her own blood. Your head still dizzy you move near Jake and try to tap him which end up with you resting on him as he sees you from the corner of his eye. 

"S-stop, they... arent worth it..." His eyes widen as he drops Sooah and catches you from falling.

He starts panicking, "Y/-Y/n..." picking you up he starts rushing to the hospital. He still had blood from the people who hurt you, but at that moment all he felt was fear for your health. Running to the same hospital as the one his brother is in he starts panicking. The nurses dont notice whats happening at the start but as they see you they start rushing you to a room and having a doctor come as they told Jake to stay calm and that everything would be okay.


Looking at his hands he is bloody. His hands start shaking, from anger. 

"At least you aren't wearing white." Turning to his side he sees his friend, "how is your friend?" 

"They, they said they wanted to do what they did to Kenny, Dean why the hell..."

Placing his hand on Jake's arm he reassured him "it's gonna be okay, she will be fine."

Timothy quickly makes his way there, "here Jake, I brought you some clothes..." 

Smiling at him slightly he takes it from his hands and starts walking to the bathroom as he changes. He puts the bloody clothes inside a bag as he walks up to the mirror and sees blood on his face, he traces it. Would you think of him as a monster? Will you be okay? It looked serious... why did he come so late? If he just waited outside the gates this wouldn't have happened. What if... he was late. What if... 

"Jake come!" Hearing Dean, he ignores the blood on his face as the nurses have come out with the doctor. Looking at one of the nurses he asks them if the family came yet. She points to your parents sitting down with scared faces on their faces. 

"Mr. L/n, Ms. L/n, your daughter will be okay." The both of them breathe out a breath of relief. "This young man took her to the hospital at the right time, the blood could have bled from the inside but it's okay now since there isn't any internal bleeding." 

"Thank you so much..." M/n started breaking down as she thanked Jake as your father held her close by trying to comfort her.

The doctor turned his head to the teens, "she can't have any visitors at the moment, you can visit her tomorrow if you wish," turning to your family, "follow me." The parents thank him one more time as they go to see you.

"See Jake, everything will be okay," Dean said as Jakes's hands tightened at which timothy got nervous.

"Yes. Yes, you are right!" Jake smiled as Timothy relaxed slightly

"Which kids was it tho?" 

"I remember their faces its okay, if anything," he smiles, "they should be in the hospital". Dean smiled at that as he pat his shoulder/

"Wanna go visit your brother?" Nodding at that he goes to his brother's room.


It was now the next day. Waking up you feel your head pounding, you had seen your parents a few times, they went away for a little but they are still not back. Lily visited you a few times, giving you any work you had missed for the day and simply hanging out with you. You made sure to reassure her that it wasn't her fault but she would ball up her fists and feel pathetic.

Hearing someone at the door your eyes widen, "Jake?"


I hope you guys are enjoying the book so far!

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