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Date: March 30th, 1947

Time: 10:30 am

In the waters north of Midway island a large carrier steams ahead at combat speed. From her island a American flag proudly waves in the wind. In the air all around the carrier Siren jets dual with US fighters. Escorting ships bravely try to help defend the lone carrier from the wave of Siren jets. However five Siren jets manage to zoom pass Midway's escorts and drop their torpedos. The large carrier and the two battleships guarding her turn to port in an effort to dodge the incoming torpedos. Unfortunately two of the air dropped torpedos slam into the massive carrier. One detonates near the bow of the ship blowing a large hole while the second hits amid ship on the torpedo bulge. Immediately damage control teams rush to contain the flooding as the second half of the first wave of Siren aircraft begins their attack.

Seven Siren dive bombers punch through the fleets defenses and begin their dive. Shrapnel from accurate proximity fuse 127mm aa shell fired from the two battleships and USS Midway manage to destroy two of the Siren dive bombers. Another three are damaged and are unable stay on target causing their bombs to miss the massive aircraft carrier. However the remaining two Siren aircraft manage to accurately drop their bombs. One 1000lb bomb strikes USS Midway on her forward elevator. The blast jams the elevator in place while sending burning shrapnel into the first section of the hanger bay. The second 1000lb bomb hits the port side of the armored flight deck just behind the island. The blast destroys several planes of Midway's 3rd fighter squadron that were preparing to take off. The blast also punches a hole in the deck and ignites the fuel of damaged aircraft below where the bomb had hit.

More damage control teams rush to combat the fires while the first wave of Siren jets pulls back. However an hour later the second wave of Siren attackers pops up on radar. The few of Midways fighters still in the air are overwhelmed and shot down. As the battle rages on the massive carrier takes another three torpedos hits and a third bomb hits almost directly amid ship. One thing becomes apparent as the second wave of Siren jets pull back. USS Midway is in danger of sinking.

The lone carrier quickly begins to roll to its port side. Despite the damage control teams doing their best to counter the flooding Midway still lists twelve degrees to port within the next hour. Fortunately the fires are put out but due to the list Midway is unable to resume launching her aircraft. Soon a third wave of Siren aircraft is detected on radar.

Despite being one of the most powerful carriers of her time USS Midway is being brought to her knees by the onslaught of Siren airpower. Minutes tick by as the Siren jets try to land the finishing blow to the wounded carrier. However they are met with the flak and aa produced by the two battleships that are determined to protect their flagship. The battleships throw everything they have at the enemy while the remaining escorts try to draw fire away from USS Midway.

Even as USS Midway continues to list to port her captain remains calm. He watches as the ship's dual purpose single 127mm guns fire shell after shell at their attackers. He knows that even if this mighty ship is to sink she will not go down quietly.

After one last focused attack on the carrier the Siren jets finally began to fall back. The fleet is battered. Half of Midway's escorts have been sunk or are in the process of sinking. Both battleships took several torpedo and bomb hits that missed the carrier. Midway herself is in horrible shape. Having taken six torpedo hits and five 1000lb bomb hits from all three of the Siren attacks. It seems that Midway while severely damaged might survive this fight. But unfortunately for the American aircraft carrier fate would not be so kind.

The fleet then turns around to search for survivors of the sinking escorts. After two hours, as the fleet begins setting course for Pearl Harbor a Lurker class humanoid Siren submarine manages to silently slip past the few remaining escorts. The Siren fires two torpedoes at almost point blank range. The wounded carrier doesn't even have a chance to dodge them. Both torpedos hit however one slips through a hole from an earlier torpedo hit and detonates deep inside the flooded compartment. The force of the blast blows holes in the bulkhead to one of the boiler rooms as well as ruptures several pump systems in nearby compartments. By the time the damage control teams reach the damaged compartments they are already half flooded.

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