Ch 81

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Liza's POV

"Please don't...I don't wanna lose you." I mumble while holding him tightly. "Harry, please stay alive, y-you're the best person I've met..."
"I'm sorry, Liza, but there's no guarantee, even if I avoided it, there's no escape." he whispers. "I don't wanna leave either so I'll try my best, I want to be with my world."
"I can't lose you..." I cry.

I don't wanna lose him, he's my boyfriend and bestfriend...I can't lose him. Why does mother fucking nature have to do this!? Harry hugs me and strokes my hair softly, it's comfortable but I'm scared of losing this feeling forever. I'm scared of losing him, his touch, his voice, his smartass and everything.

I wrap my wings around him and sink my head into his chest. It's comfortable...I just wanna fall asleep in it forever and never let go. As long as he's alive then there's nothing to worry about but I don't wanna think about losing him...maybe it's all a dream...maybe I just need to fall asleep and wake up into reality.

Just...a little sleep.

*12 hours later...*

I wake up from a nightmare, of standing infront of Mr Demon's grave. I don't wanna think about that...I'm crying and feel sick, stupid mother nature. I don't wanna lose him, not was just a dream. Just a's pitch black outside and just a dream.

"Another nightmare?" Harry asks tiredly and pulls me down, cuddling me. "It's fine, you're fine, Liza."
"You're alive..." I snuggle closer to him.
"Wanna talk about it or go back to sleep?" he questions.
"I-I just had a nightmare of seeing your grave..." I mumble.

He kisses my forehead and holds me tightly, creating a small warm fire so I can see him more. There's a soft reassuring smile on his face and the fire surrounds me, keeping me warm like a blanket. I glance at his hand, it's shaking...he's scared too but hiding it.

Harry's scared, I rarely see him scared but it's understandable...I mean, not knowing if you're gonna die or not is terrifying. Not just for me but him too, he wants to stay alive...I hold his hand tightly, wrapping my wing around him. Stupid vampire and mother nature.

"If I die then you'll still have people by your side, Asher would do everything he could to support you." Harry states.
"Why do you have to do this...?" I ask.
"There's no going back now, it started with Weller wanting thrill and now Rose...and it's in vampire nature where they can't kill or hurt themselves so someone else has to." he answers. "But I'll try my best to not to die, I don't want to die."

I wonder how Rose came back alive...was it Mayien? But why? Why again and not Evelyn? Rose is alive again, how long? This is too confusing...stupid vampire though. He traumatizes everyone for fuck's sake and doesn't even care! What a bastard, Mr Demon doesn't deserve that...he went through hell.

Everything about this doesn't make sense, I'm about to die, he spares me, he burns our home village, we run from cops and guards, the vampire sets up some stupid deadline that changed three times, we get into some powerhouse mafia, Asher, my parents, Rose and Evelyn, tricked into thinking we'll be fine and now this. All because of one vampire...

"I hope Rose is fine." I mumble.
"I'm sure she is, it's obvious Weller would never intentionally hurt her." Harry replies.
"She looks a lot like Asher though." I state.
"Definitely agree on that, just got different eye colors." he responds.
"I want purple eyes..." I mutter.
"You're pink eyes are beautiful, I adore then." he laughs a little. "The pupils aren't even black, that's very unique, Strawberry."
"But your eyes are so cool, dark green that can glow and can look sweet but also deadly." I reply. "And then lik-"

He puts his thumb on my lips, then his hands grab my waist so he lifts me up above him like an airplane. How the fuck do you do that when laying down unless it's a baby...? The again he's probably one of the strongest people in the world so I can't say much. A hot, powerful demon that- wait. Stupid thoughts...still hot but that's not it. What were we talking about now again?

He creates some kind of fire platform thing for me to lay and then lets go so I'm floating above him. It's warm, not hot but feels like a blanket, now I can see Mr Demon even more. Woah...he looks even hotter with the fire creating light like that...wait. STUPID THOUGHTS! Wait...

Fuck, he's shirtless. I never gave back his shirt.

"What's with the redness, Strawberry?" he questions.
"It's hot in here..." I mumble, looking away. "Fire really fits you..."
"How so?" he pokes my cheek.
"I mean, you're good and creative with it, also hot..." I answer.

Harry sits up and kisses me on the forehead, moving my head to look at him. Then the fire disappears and I'm in his arms again. It's pitch black though but I think we're both sitting on the bed right now. My wings wrap around him tightly.

"So, when are we gonna try to make the poison?" I ask.
"Maybe tomorrow if we don't end up with a lot of work, we're honestly pretty lucky to have ended up so close with those in power because otherwise, we'd be stuck with targets on our back." Harry answers. "And we wouldn't be able to do it."
"We're lucky and unlucky." I state. "Maybe we should ask Asher to help us then."
"Probably best so, he is the funfacts guy after all." he responds.


Got a new and bigger phone now! Hopefully I can write more but writer's block exists, but I'm gonna have to do Harry's POV next chapter because we're nearing the finale and I've pretty much wrapped up Liza's story, she's still relevant though but writers block is <<<<

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