Chapter 8: The Witch Academy Part 2

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Ignoring her cousin, she looked at her aunties accusingly. "I told you, I wanted you to come alone."

"I...I invited myself, to come..." Cordelia started, not wanting her aunties to get her cousin's wrath when it was clearly her that she was upset with. "... I wanted to help."

"I don't want your help."

The venom in the younger girl's voice, set the tension. Cordelia nodded in response.

"Sabrina...maybe you should let Delia..."

Th dark skinned witch shook her head at her blonde aunt, who tried to come to her defense.

"I'll go to Father Blackwood about this, and we'll get everything sorted. This is unacceptable." Aunt Zelda said getting them back to their main issue at hand.

They watched as the woman left. Hilda looked at her two nieces. "Come on girls, let's take a seat, this might take a while." she said awkwardly, as they took their seats.

To give her cousin some space, she sat next to her Aunt Hilda, while Sabrina sat on the other side of her aunt.

They sat in silence, while the eldest witch watched her nieces in concern. Not use to them not being able to have a conversation.

"I heard from Agatha and a few other students..." Sabrina finally broke the silence.

Cordelia looked towards cousin.

"... You harrowed a student to death."

Closing her eyes, Cordelia breathed out, "Sabrina, I..."

"Everything I went through the last of couple days... You did to someone else. How could you?"

Before she could answer, her aunt Zelda returned.

"What did he say?" Sabrina asked, wanting to avoid talking to her cousin further.

"He's going to look into it."

"And you believe him?"

"Of course not. Take us to the children."

At that Cordelia stayed still in her seat as all three women stood up to go to the forest.

Breathing unevenly, the latter closed her eyes, as her heart started beating erratically. Her vision became blurry at the thought of seeing her biggest regret and mistake again.

She could swear she could hear far away voices calling her name.

"Delia...Delia!" a voice exclaimed, with a slight pat on her cheek, snapping her out of her state. "Can you hear me?" her aunt Zelda asked, who had crouched down infront of her.

Cordelia met her aunt's eyes, as her chest felt like it was closing up and nodded erratically.

"Breathe, niece.'re not breathing."

Realizing the older witch was correct, she let out a loud gasp of air, while her aunt held her in comfort on her shoulders.

"Try to match me."

Doing as instructed the panicked witch matched her aunt's breathing, which slowly got her breathing down.

"I'm...I'm sorry...I don't know what came over me." she finally spoke.

Aunt Zelda, gave her a meaningful stare and smiled lightly. "Don't apologize."

Blinking rapidly, Cordelia sent a look towards the other two. Her aunt Hilda wore a grave expression and her younger cousin looked back in shock.

"Now... You don't have to come with us, if you're not ready."

Shaking her head, she stood up. "Let's go."

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