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Kira was running and playing with a few other toddlers, until she noticed Sun was ringing the bells on his wrists.

"Kira! It's snack time!" One of her friends cheered as she dragged Kira down the play area

"Oh my, Jade please don't grab your friends! Kira doesn't like to be grabbed without warning." Sunny said as he took Jade's hand off of Kira's wrist

"Oh, sorry, Kira..." Jade mumbled

"Is okay, Sunny not mad so I not mad." Kira smiled

"Remember! After snack is nap time. I think they fixed Moon, I hope they did." Sun reminded the children

"Mr. Sun..?" Kira asked

"Yes, sunshine?" Sun answered

"Can we skip nap time? Mr. Moon scary...he not nice anymore..." Kira said

"Sorry sunshine, but you're still growing! You need naps to grow big and strong. As long as you follow Moon's rules, he'll be nice." Sun answered, hoping he was right

At nap time, the kids all huddled together in the nap corner and hid under the blankets, hoping Moon wasn't around. He was. He was still corrupted.

"Naughty children must be punished~" he taunted

Kira whimpered, alerting Moon that someone was awake. He went over to the nap corner, seeing that most were awake but no one was standing up. He decided to walk off. The kids were too scared to sleep when Moon was "mean" like this, they all miss when Moon was nice. He used to read them bed time stories, sing them lullabies, give them Moon drops, a candy with a very low dose of melatonin, he even pulled them onto his lap if they needed a little extra help falling asleep. Now he has creepy red eyes, always says "bad children must be punished" or "naughty naughty, it's past your bedtime." When he noticed a child sitting up. As long as they were laying down, they were safe. One of the kids called for Moon, wanting a drink of water.

"Why are you still awake?" Moon asked

"Mr. Moon... Can I have some water please?" The child asked

"Naughty naughty, you should be sleeping. Stay here, I'll bring you some water." Moon responded, spinning his head and scaring the children

Moon brought the kid a little cup of water, after the child was done drinking, Moon took the cup.

"Nighty night~" he said as he walked away

Once nap time was over, Sun was back and noticed all of the children hadn't slept a wink. He decided to make sure they had their hour nap and cleaned up while they slept. After everyone was awake and refreshed, Sun had the older children make paintings with all of the art supplies and the younger ones got to play in the ball pit. Soon, it was time for the kids to go home. One by one, the kids got picked up. Kira was the only one left.

"Mr. Sun..? Where my mama and daddy?" She asked, tugging on his pant leg

"I don't know, but I think they'll be here soon." Sun reassured her

"Can just mama come? Daddy mean, meaner than Mr. Moon." Kira asked

"What do you mean daddy's mean?" Sun asked in concern

Kira lifted her bangs to show a big bruise on her forehead. Sun gasped as she rolled up her sleeves to reveal red marks from what looked like a whip and bruises all the way up her arms. Kira started crying.

"Mama doesn't know, daddy says don't tell anybody.. but it hurts... C-can you make it better?" Kira asked as she hugged Sun

Sun picked her up and went to the first aid station in the daycare. He patched her up and gave her a sticker for being brave enough to tell him she was hurt and another for letting him fix her "boo-boos".

Sun, Moon & The Abandoned ChildWhere stories live. Discover now