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Ghost's pov

Is That what I am to him. I stay quiet ,as I don't like the screaming. All of a sudden he drags me to a big room with a metal floor wich look like it has already started to rust . "You shall stay here until I need you " I scater of into the corner and make myself as small as possible. But what I didn't know is that this bloody room would be me home for the next 10 years

When your a human experiment your bound to gain some sort of ability but as this is now my 5 year in this hell hole I have quit the collection of cool abilities . I (at the moment) only have 3. First of all I'm a very very fast runner. Second I'm quit strong for a 12 year old. And my last ability needs some kind of back story. So as a result of all of the abuse, I have obtained many scars particularly on my face, torso and arms. So when I'm scared, stressed or overwhelmed my scars glow  a bright white. Including my face so I made a mask out of my old clothes that do t fit me any more

Time skip

He is now 18

Soap's pov

The other men laughed at me "HAHAHA AN 18 YEAR OLD, ON A MISSION LIKE THIS" we dont know what the mission is all we know is that if is a hire rank that the average 18 yr should be on. little do they know "for you information, I am your Sargent you listen to me " the men looked horrified. Unfortunately price walked in at that moment. "Alright Boys, thus mission is very different to what they normally are like"  this is strange "do any you boys recognise the the name Dr sarc . My blood ran cold

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