Chapter 9

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Dewey shook it off. "Let's get this drawer open. If it's locked, there must be something inside he's trying to hide." Dewey takes the flashlight, and brings it down hard on the locked drawer. The lock's smashed off.

"Shit. That's gonna leave a mark, Gale said worriedly. Quite obvious she still loved him, he still loved her. Gale slides open the drawer, reaches in. She pulls up a manilla folder. Dewey shines the light on the folder as Gale opens it up and reads what's inside.

"What? What'd you find? Jennifer asked. "Paternity test results. Christ Dewey, you're never going to believe who Milton's kid is, Gale said, in slight shock. "Who is it? Dewey asked. Jennifer said nervously, "Guys! I got a bad feeling."

Dewey and Gale spoke angrily in unison, "NOT NOW!" "Guys there's someone else in the fucking room! Jennifer scoffed. "Huh? Dewey said in confusion. Dewey and Gale look up and scream as Ghostface rushes out of the shadows. Jennifer bolts for the door. Ghostface jams his knife in her back. She lets out a blood curdling death scream, drops to the floor motionless. Gale and Dewey share a terrified scream. The killer wipes his blade clean, lunges for them.

"Gale run! Dewey said frantically. Dewey jumps in the killer's path. The killer winds back, cracks the base of the knife across Dewey's skull. Dewey drops to the floor not moving. "Dewey! Gale screams.

The Killer's blade glistens in the moonlight. He charges for Gale. Gale screams, races out of the office door, slamming it closed on the killer sending him flying onto his back. Gale races down the hallway, frantically trying every door she passes. All of them locked. She reaches the elevator, hits the "down" button. The door opens with a ping. Gale unleashes a scream. Milton has been strung up from the ceiling ventilation duct, gutted from knob to gullet. His entrails lie in steaming heaps at his feet. She staggers away from the elevator, speechless. She screams again.

Ghostface is coming straight for her.

Gale fakes out the killer, dives into the elevator. He runs ahead, briefly, giving Gale enough time to trip him sending him landing flat on his face. Gale races out of the elevator doubles back down the hallway towards a door marked STAIRS. She bolts through the door.

Gale races down the stairs, nearly tripping and falling. She races out onto the ground floor. Gale races out of the office building. A car horn blares. She screams. Kincaid jams on his breaks, gets out his car. He draws up his gun.

"Jesus Gale what happened? He asked. "He killed Milton! The killer's inside there! Oh God! Gale said frantically. "DEWEY! Dewey's in there too! He needs medical help! He's hurt! Gale added. "Alright, calm down. I'm going to radio in for backup right now, Kincaid said calmly.

"Not so fast. We're not finished."

Kincaid spins around. Gale screams. Ghostface comes charging out of nowhere, slashes open Kincaid's throat, stabs him in the chest. Kincaid drops onto the hood of his car, dead. Gale pauses. She's screaming hysterically. The killer raises the knife menacingly.

"I wouldn't run if I were you Gale. It's only gonna end up with you getting Skewered like a fucking pig. I need you."

"Awfully late time to be doing an interview, Gale said nervously.

"I need you as bait. For (Y/N)."

She closes her eyes, Ghostface coming closer.


You were in Kincaid's Office. You didn't know where he had gone but were looking through the file marked 'SIDNEY PRESCOTT'. Sure, this might not be your business, but your birth mom couldn't have just been Maureen's close friend, maybe they were more.

It's loaded with newspaper articles and police reports and is basically a scrapbook of obsession. You're awakened from your daydream. The phone rings. You answer it. "Hello? You say.


You were puzzled, your own voice. Maybe something was wrong with the phone or something. "Who is this? You asked, confusedly.

"Who is this?"

"Um who's calling? You ask, nervously.

"Um who's calling?"

"Gale, Dewey, whoever, um, call me back, I can only hear myself."

You hear something click momentarily.

"I only hear you too, (Y/N)."

"Who is this?"

"The question isn't who I am. The question is, who's with me."

"(Y/N), stay away!"

You rushes towards the office door when suddenly, the voice draws you back, angrily and cautioning.

"Don't do it! If you do one thing to attract attention, one thing, I'll kill them both. Now, do you have somewhere we can be alone?"


"Go there."

You stand up, then went into an inner office, Wallace's.

"Always hard being friends with you, (Y/N). When you're friends with (Y/N), you die! Well these friends don't have to, (Y/N). It's up to you."

"How do I know their voices are-"

"Are real? How do you know you're not hearing things? How do you know I'm not someone in your head? Somewhere, you know."

"Don't come here (Y/N)!"

You hear the killer haul back and hit Dewey hard.

"Dewey! No!"

"Or do you?"

"You're dead!"

"I don't want them, I want you! It's simple. You show yourself, they survive, you run, they die!"

"Oh God! Oh God!"

"Don't you want to know (Y/N)? Don't you want to know who killed her? Don't you want to know who killed Sidney's mother, Her history with your Mother?"

"Have you seen Kincaid?"

"No. But Wallace is around."


"She'd have been so happy, (Y/N), to know we'd be together."


"I'll call you, when you're on your way."

The killer hangs up. You break down crying. This sick fuck. He really was obsessed with you. He wanted you. Or did he want your blood on his knife? You weren't quite sure. You missed your peaceful life. Randy was oblivious you were here. But he could keep your kids safe with Sidney. Fhe killer was wrong. Sid survived, Randy survived. Your friends were living.

Maybe having dinner with Roman would help you. You'd call him when you were out of this. Wallace's keys rest on his desk. You ponder, then take them. You stand up when something inside you makes you open Wallace's drawer and dig around. You pull up a fully loaded handgun.

That's the ticket.

You close the drawer, slinking out the side exit.

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