Part 3

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Pablo and Pedri was almost at the castle after a long car drive. The last few minutes of the ride was silent due to Pablo's many thoughts.

Alexandra had definitely changed. She looked the same as always yet in a very different way. Of course she looked older, but there was something about her that just gave him a crazy feeling.

"We're here." Pedri announced, snapping Pablo out of his thoughts.

The 18 year old just nodded before walking out of the car.

The castle was huge, and it looked even more spectacular on the inside. There were rooms everywhere.

Pablo walked up a large staircase to where the king was waiting for him.

"Gavi! How wonderful to see you!" The man shook Pablo's hand before speaking again. "Leonor's room is right down the hallway. I think she is waiting for you there."

Confused, Pablo looked at the man in front of him. "I thought I came here to see you?"

"Oh, of course. But I'm a busy man. We'll talk when I have time. Now go." The king pushed Pablo down the corridor before leaving.

Outside Leonor's room stood Pablo thinking about how the hell Alex could know that this was gonna happen.

Like, it was exactly as she had told him. But he couldn't just leave now, so he knocked on the door, which was swung open immediately.

"Omg! Pablo Gavi! Hi!" Came Leonor's exited voice.

"Uhm hey." Gavi said as he walked into the large room.

"You hungry?" The girl asked, but before Pablo could answer she spoke again. "I'm gonna go get some food. Be right back." And with that the young football player was left alone in the princess's room.

He looked around for a moment before spotting something on the nightstand. It looked like a photo frame, but it was turned down towards the nightstand.

The boy slowly picked it up, shock spreading across his face as he saw the picture. There was no doubt that the girl next to Leonor was Alexandra. The note underneath the picture was even more shocking. It said 'My twin forever'.

Hearing footsteps coming closer Pablo put the frame down, while stuffing the note inside his pocket.

Leonor walked into the room with a plate full of food. "Here i got you a lot of different types of food."

"Thanks." Pablo replied awkwardly before picking up the photo again. "Hey, uhm... who is this?" He asked Leonor.

She looked at the photo and Pablo could swear he saw fear in her eyes. "Oh her? She's no one special, just a girl from my childhood."

"Oh okay uhm.. i need to go now." Pablo excused himself walking quickly out of the room, not caring about Leonor's protests.

Once he got into the car and Pedri started driving away, the first and only thing he said was. "I need to talk to Alex."


"We need to talk." Was the only thing said when Alexandra opened the door that someone had knocked on. She was being dragged into Pablo's car and he drove away.

After some silence, Alexandra decided to speak up. "Okay, i'm pretty sure this qualifies as kidnapping."

Pablo parked the car before turning to the girl in the passenger seat. "I just came back from the castle, and guess what i found out?"

"What?" Alexandra asked a little annoyed.

"I found out that princess Leonor has a twin sister that no one knows about . I left soon after finding that out." He gave the girl a look as if asking her to tell him the truth.

"Princess Leonor has a twin sister? Wow, she must be so amazing." Alex replied short before adding something more. "Did you meet her?"

Pablo laughed as he shook his head. "Well, I didn't meet her there, but she's sitting in front of me right now."

The girl's eyes widened. "What? Me? I don't know if you've noticed, but i look nothing like Leonor. And hell, i don't even know the girl!"

"Well..." Pablo started. "You're definitely not identical twins... but it makes sense. When we were younger you never told me where you lived before we met. And you knew that i wasn't gonna meet the king today. AND I found a picture in Leonor's room of you and her, with this note under."

He handed the note to Alexandra, who read it before sighing. "Okay fine, but-"

"Why the heck did you never tell me?!" Pablo cut her of.

"Well maybe because it's not something that i'm proud of!" She shouted back.

"Why aren't you proud of being a part of the royal family? You're a princess!!" The argument had started to get really loud now.

"Because I don't want to be a princess!! Neither did my parents want me to!! They sent me away because I wasn't good enough for them! And now Leonor is all 'Oh look at me! I'm in love with Pablo Gavi, aka my sister's best friend! But you know what? I don't care! Because i'm gonna be queen and everyone loves me!' And she isn't gonna stop before you marry her, have two kids and a goldfish!"

There was a little silence before Pablo burst out laughing. Alexandra just huffed and turned to look out the window.

He laughed for a little while before pulling himself together. "Alexandra, that marry Leonor and having kids with a goldfish or whatever you said, is never gonna happen. And it's not your fault that your parents can't see that you're an amazing person."

He took ahold of her cheek and turned her head towards him. "You're good enough for anyone with a brain and heart bigger that a grape."

The silence that followed after those words was long. The two stared into each other's eyes and slowly started to lean in. Suddenly there was no space between them as their lips connected. They moved in perfect sync for a little while before Alexandra broke the kiss.

She stared at the boy in front of her. "I'm sorry, I gotta go." And with that she left the car.

"Fuck..." Pablo whispered to himself as he thought about how messed up his decision was.

He had just lost his best friend for good.

We're back!!!!

Okay so this is kinda important that you read.

I am gonna finish this book, but it will be short. like really short. we're talking one or two more chapters.

this is because i've kinda lost motivation for this book, seeing as i'm not that updated on football, nor Gavi's life in general.

i also kinda wanna start a new book, but i need help deciding what book. please comment which of these you want me to do <3

1. A Harry Potter fic:
I've read so many of these, and i really want to try and write one myself. I'm also reading all the Harry Potter books over again, so i would be able to write more descriptive.

2. A Matt Sturniolo fic:
I'm obsessed with the triplets at the time and have some really good ideas for a Matt fic.

3. A type of crossover:
It will be a Matt Sturniolo x reader fic, but the twist is that y/n goes to hogwarts and is friends with the golden trio. It will of course be a little unrealistic seen as the triplets will be muggels and still do youtube. But i have some really good ideas, and think it will be kinda cool.

please tell me which one you will read, and if you have some completely different suggestions, feel free to comment them💕

~Emily <3

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2023 ⏰

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