Chapter 10- In four

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I remembered I have wattpad, and since I'm about to put my hands down with a machete, I'll make this quick.


It had been a few months again since young Mugman's last adventure, it was certainly very chaotic his teenage mind, as he had not reached 18 and was already hanging out with a guy he met that same year whose age was unknown to him until then.
In fact, Gabriel had lied to him repeatedly, telling him he was 35 one day, another day he told him he was about 24 and on one he boasted he was 28, yes, Gabe forgets a lot of things because of his ungrateful busy life, one of them being that Raziel has ears everywhere, even in the mug's apartment.

In itself Mugman had taken advantage of the limit point of his hormones with Gabriel, he would turn 17 in a short time and hoped his boss would remember at least this time and give him a higher amount of money, unfortunately he has a twin that made one of the boss's sons burn in a church, Cuphead found it funny to see him jump and scream over all the Saints, starting with Saint Francis, and ending in Saint Clare, while the priest had already lost his temper watching a mini demon outrage all the corners of the church.

Of course Devil didn't find it funny enough to agree with the ruddy mug, he would only laugh a few laughs and then dismiss them both to unemployment, by mere luck, Mugman is very convincing, telling him that he needed the job not for the money (they get paid more than any adult in Inkwell) but for the work environment, and that no mortal would want to work in his place without selling souls first.

Luci thought better of it and rehired them in faith immediately; even so the hopes of their boss saying happy birthday to both of them are slim to none.

Mugs, prostrated in front of the balcony of his apartment, thought about leaving the mousetrap that was his home, because he had fallen in love with that strange gentleman who appeared to be neater than water despite walking barefoot, the young man was in love with every aspect of him, now more than tuco intimacy with him, But there was something that bothered him, he knew that he would not be accepted by society, because at the beginning of the XXI century, who would be thinking about someone other than a sweet wife, this was something that bothered him a little, whether or not he knew the inhabitants of each island, he knew that they would not take it well.

Then he concluded that he would tell this to Gabriel, he didn't know very well what to tell him, so he began to talk alone with the wall.

-Look Gabe, I know we've been dating for a while, but I still need to tell you something, would be more of a request, could you...could you pretend to be a least one day..., no, how stupid- Mugman was biting the tip of his tongue for not knowing how to ask the majestic angel to show off without everyone contradicting them.

Then the doorbell rang, excited, he ran to the door and as he opened it a bouquet of sunflowers crashed against his nose.

-What's up Mug, I took some time off to come here, I wanted to see you," he may not have seen it himself, but he knew that sweet and melodic voice belonged to his lover, responding to his greeting with a tight hug, he had missed it.

-I didn't think I'd see you around these days, Mr. Gabriel.
-Tell me Gabe, I'm not that old, I'm barely 32! - Again he was changing his age, Mugman just laughed softly and stopped after agreeing what he had to tell him.

-Mugman held the bouquet of sunflowers and placed them in the large vase he had bought for all the flowers on his behalf, so inviting him in, his guest sat down on the couch, where Daisy immediately came to greet him and complain about everything and everyone with mimicry.

Mugman also took a seat and signaled the walking flower with some threatening gestures to leave Gabriel alone, and although the latter himself did not understand the behavior of both young people, he smiled a warm smile and then argued - And...what did you want to tell me , Mugs.

Why Crows Don't Sing? /30 days OTP+18 (Gabriel x Mugman)Where stories live. Discover now