I walked slowly once I was back in the hanger, moving along the wall in the shadows, making for the open door when movement out of the corner of my eye drew my attention and I ducked back, just as a fist came flying passed my face and crushed the wall where my head had been. "Found you princess!"

My stomach dropped when I heard him. Walker. They'd sent Walker. I moved quickly, out into the open so I could see him, and didn't get trapped, gun up and pointed right where he'd been. But he was gone and as I spun my face stung as I hit the ground, dropping my gun, tasting the blood in my mouth instantly. He stood there, waiting for me to get up and I did.

I wasn't going to lie down. I wasn't going to give up and I wasn't about to die by his hand. "There you are...oh the fun we're going to have." I matched his evil smile, watching his eye twitch because I knew he hated it, hated that I had my fire back, that I wasn't weak and easy to pick on. No I was strong again and he hated it.

"I'm going to enjoy this." I said quietly, spitting the mouthful of blood out, baring my teeth at him as I moved. I caught him off guard by moving first, diving for his feet and using my jet pack last second to push me through them, sending him over my back before I unsheathed a dagger and swung at him, cutting right through the palm he'd thrown up to protect his face.

He growled loudly as he ran at me and I dodged right, ducking down as his fist swung over my head and threw my own fist into his stomach, before I sliced him, feeling the blood gush over my hand. I nearly cut him again when he grabbed me and threw me across the room.

I landed awkwardly, jarring my right shoulder but scrambled to my feet just as he swung at me, just clipping my cheek as I pulled back and spun out of his reach. He was absolutely manic in his movements which made him harder to read but easier to tire so I just kept him busy, let him wear himself down until I made a run for the door.

He tackled me out of it and we hit the snow, hard. I screamed out as he rolled me over, sitting on top of me but I bucked my hips, sending him over my head before I wrapped my legs around his throat. I slammed my elbow into his head and and again and again, while his fingers tore at my thighs and it hurt, oh god did everything hurt but I squeezed my legs together until his hands slowed, then stopped.

I jumped off him the moment he hit the ground, kicking his boot to make sure he was out, then turned around, looking for Yelena when my legs toppled out from under me and I landed heavily on my back. Walker lundged at me, trying to climb onto me as he grabbed my throat, strangling me. My vision blurred as I threw my hand out instinctively, and he stopped. His hands fell from me and I gasped for air as I looked up.

"Oh my god." I whispered. I hadn't meant to do it, it just happened. The hand I'd thrown out, was my dagger hand. I hadn't even realised I was still holding it and it was buried right to the hilt in the underside of his chin. His eyes were wide as was his mouth and I shoved him off me, crawling backwards as I saw what I'd done. I'd killed him.


The wind stopped and I became acutely aware of footsteps so I spun quickly, only to come face to face with the barrel of a pistol and as my gaze moved up the gun, I snarled quietly at who was smiling back at me. "We haven't met yet have we?" She asked far to lightly, in a tone that was so condescending.

I turned my head, spitting again but kept my eyes on her. She waved the gun, motioning for me to stand and I did, carefully watching her as she moved, turning me and removed my weapons. "To the helicopter please. There's someone you need to see." She whispered softly as she shoved her gun into the back of my head and pushed me forward.

We walked slowly back to the helicopter and planes, and I panicked slightly because there was 8 guards, guards we hadn't seen before and then I remembered Shuri. Where the hell was Shuri. Fuck I hope she'd gotten out and was somewhere safe because we couldn't lose her, of all people not sweet, sassy Shuri.

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