The Fall of Royalty

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Hey so i see some people read my story. hope you liked it and sorry it takes me so long to make another part. also i don't know the hole history of dishonored i just know what's known from the games so please excuse any story holes. anyways have fun reading the next chapter. also just for your information the story seems rushed for now because i want to basically get through the story of the first game with Y/n implemented in it as fast as possible. i said that in the first chapter at the end but i wanted to say it again in case it was overlooked. now i hope you like this chapter.

Y/n pov: it's been 6 months since the death of the empress Jessamine Kaldwin. the city changed more then ever before. no one is save and the guard cuts down everyone that is even suspected to have the plague. the new lord Regant is in his tower preaching how everything will be better but doing nothing but benefit himself. to that a few days ago Corvo broke out of Calmebridge prison. what surprised me it was reported that there were no losses in the prison brake." so he didn't kill anyone mmh, interesting" i thought to myself. but apart from that i watched over emily the hole time. once a week i reported to daud even though it was useless information for him he wanted to know. i didn't thought about it much and continued to watch over her from the distance. and sometimes i would leave food for her by the door. i would place the food and knock so she noticed it and before she opened the door transversal away. what was surprising in this time i watched her, she tried to escape once but sadly got caught i almost intervened but they didn't hurt her so I didn't have to. what also happened in the time? right this masked assassin appeared one night and in the same night the high overseer Campel got exiled because of the mark of heresy. well one bad noble down and one will take his place. what was clear to us is that Corvo was this assassin in the mask.
now i was on a mission with billie to track down a hint to the name Delilah. we were at a whale factory sitting on a rooftop nearby and we're about to scout the place out.

Billie:"so Y/n how is your investigation coming along" she said while overlooking the place

Y/n:" so far all i could clearly make out is that the strike the workers did made the big boss really mad"
i said doing the same as billie

Billie:" i wasn't talking about this mission " she turned to me

Y/n:" you mean emily and why i watch her right?"
i also turned to her

Billie:" yea why do you do that? i mean there is no reason to" she sat down and letting her legs dangle off the building

Y/n:" well you remember how Daud found me and how he gave me a home to"

Billie:" yeah i remember i was the same"

Y/n:" well it doesn't sit right with me throwing her into a life i escape from and knowing how bad it can be"

Billie:" aww the little novice wants to be a knight in shining armor" she said teasing me

Y/n:" not really i don't intervene and she doesn't even know i'm there so there are no rescues, just me looking out to stop the really bad things from happening" i said with a cold but not respectless tone since she was my boss after all

Billie:" alright i guess you are right. we both know how evil this world can be but enough talk let's go get all the information we can for daud he should be here soon" she said standing up

Y/n:" yes let's go" i also stood up and we got going


The Golden slaughter

Y/n pov: the mission with Daud went well and he is now after a guy named, Timsh i think his name was. well i got back to my post to watch emily but this time something was different. i heard gunshots and alarms nearby and i went to check it out.

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