"Are you tired?" I asked Shuri after noticing her yawn.

I was hoping she would say no, not only because I was still scared but also because I was secretly hoping we could finish where we left off.

"A little bit. I'll head to bed soon."

"Wanna see something?" I asked removing Riri's head from my shoulder and placing it on the arm of couch, careful not to wake her up.

"Hm, sure"

I walked over to our balcony and unlocked the glass door, opening it quietly. She followed behind me and we took a seat on the hanging egg chairs that we decorated the patio with.

"It's my comfort spot. Sometimes I just like to come out here and sit. Whenever I can't sleep or when I feel like life is too overwhelming. It's just so peaceful and feels like everything in the world is still."

I don't know why I felt like she needed to experience this moment with me. I honestly just wanted a moment alone with her again.

She stayed quiet as I expressed my appreciation for this environment.

"So." I started, "We talked about me and my lack of relationship experience. What about you?"

"Though I have more experience than you" She laughed causing me to roll my eyes "I'm not really a lover girl" She shrugged.

"Ooou, are you a fuckgirl?" I asked smirking, earning an eye roll from her this time "Is that why Riri said you don't have the best track record?"

She looked at me a little confused.

"I may have been eavesdropping."

"You don't say?" She responded sarcastically. "That's more of a Riri question. I've been trying to figure out the answer to that question as well."

"What's your definition of not a lover girl?" I asked adding air quotes to lover girl.

"I'm just having fun right now. I'm still young. I have my whole life to find love and settle down."

"Yup. A fuckgirl" I responded laughing.

"That can always change though. You know, with the right person."

I felt my stomach fill up with butterflies yet again as she stared into my eyes.

I just nodded as we fell back into a comfortable silence.

"Ya know, I never had the chance to really thank you because I didn't know you but, thank you for what you did for Riri. That girl is my whole heart and I don't know what I would've done without her."

"It was nothing, honestly" She smiled at me "I can see why you adore her so much. She's an amazing person."

"So what exactly is the research you're here to do?" I asked letting my curiosity get the best of me.

She chuckled before giving me an answer "Let's just say I'm trying to make things right and it's a process."

"How is it? Ya know, being responsible for a whole nation while being so young? I barely have control over my own life"

"It's hard" She shrugged. "But you make it work. My mother made it look so easy. I guess the biggest thing that keeps me going is knowing if she could do it. I can too."

I could tell her demeanor had changed from soft to more guarded when she made that statement. Her gaze went from me to looking up at the dark sky filled with stars.

"I lost my dad when I was three. It always bothered me knowing that he could never get to know me and I'd never get to actually know him. The only thing that really gets me through those thoughts is knowing I'm making him proud with everything that I do." I shared my story hoping it would make her feel a little better and soften her again. "I know your mother is proud of you too."

She just nodded as she continued to look literally any and everywhere else to avoid eye contact with me.

"I think I'm going to head to bed now. Thank you for sharing this with me. It's really beautiful." She finally glanced my way, smiling before getting up from the chair.

"You're always welcome to join" I smiled, "Sleep tight"

I decided to sit outside for a few more minutes taking in this moment of alone time. The light wind began to blow against my skin as I closed my eyes, laying back in my chair.

I allowed my mind to wonder back to the moment that I had with Shuri before Riri walked in. Just the thought of it made my stomach twirl.

My heart began to race as I imagined the feeling of her lips on mine.

What I would do to be able to experience that.

I have to know what that feels like.

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