Chapter 1

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Anna's P.o.V

'Cause you had a bad day,
You takin' one down,
You sing a sad song,
Just to turn it around,
You say you don't know,
You tell me don't lie,
You brought up a smile,
Then you go for a ri-'

"Then you go for a ride, you had a bad day." I sing as I got out of bed and went to the bathroom. I went for a shower and washed my hair. I got out of the shower and brushed my teeth and washed my face. I put foundation, black eyeliner and mascara with clear lip gloss on. I then went to my room and got my black American horror story jumper which said 'Normal people scare me' which they do. My light blue kind off ripped skinny jeans not the ones where there all ripped but a little bit ripped. My fluffy whit beanie, and my black and white converses. I put some nice greyish bracelets on to cover my scares. Yes I do cut but life is not worth living for to me. You see there's this girl who as people call it bully me. Her name is Aleisha McDonald. She's been bulling me since eighth grade. I don't know why but she has.

When I was done I walked down the stairs and into the kitchen. I noticed that my annoying brother was there. His name is Michael, he's the most annoying brother you can get. "Hey, Anna Banna." He's called me that ever since I was seven and annoys me as hell. You may think that I'm on my period cause I'm so moody today well I'm not. Its just that life sucks and I wish I was off of this planet. "I hate you for calling me that." I say under my voice. Michael doesn't know I get bullied or selfharm. The only people who know is my three best friends Tori, Jasmine and Jay. They stick up for me when they can and there like sisters to me.


*Sorry it wasn't long but I had to rush it and get a little bit done.

Hope you will enjoy the next chapter

Love yas buy xx

My brothers best friend / luke hemmings           (On hold)Where stories live. Discover now