Eggman's Ghost

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           Christmas Eve. The streets were filled with Mobians and Humans alike, both adult and child. Adults were doing their last bit of Christmas shopping, while the children were playing tag and other such childish games. The snow was falling heavily, causing snowball fights, with some hitting the shoppers in face, dropping all their shopping in the cold wet snow. However, all of that stopped, when a hedgehog, blacked fur, in a trench coat and top hat, walked pasted, carrying a walking stick. His very presence, cause the whole street to gloom, with kids hiding behind one another. Carol singers stopped when he walked passed. The hedgehog walked up to a door, with a sign, saying, 'Shadow and Eggman,' to the left of it. However, the second of the two names was nearly scratched off, almost being unreadable. He unlocked the door and opened it, walking in. Shadow hung up his coat and hat and sat at his desk, writing a document on a piece of paper. He owned a money lending company, where he lends people money and they give him back more. He was checking his list to see who paid back, who needed late fees, and who were completely in his debt. Shadow's only employee walked in, quickly hanging up his scarf and hat and hurrying to his desk and started slaving away, writing checks for those who asked for money.

"3 minutes," Shadow said. "And 15 seconds late, Mr. Rotor."

"Sorry, sir," Rotor said, not looking up. "It won't happen again."

"At this time of the year, we afford lateness," Shadow said. "Do you know my favourtie thing about Christmas?"

"No, sir, what?" Rotor said, shivering. Shadow refused to pay for heating.

"The money," Shadow said. "At this time of year, those Mobian's go off, spending money on pointless things for each other. And that means, we, the money leaders, can get really rich, really quickly!"

"Where you keep all that money," Rotor said, under the breath.

"What was that!" Shadow yelled. Luckily, Rotor was saved as Shadow's brother walked in.

"Merry Christmas, big brother!" Sonic said.

"Merry Christmas? Humbug!" Shadow said, going back to working.

"Surely you don't mean that, big bro?" Sonic asked.

"I do and you know very well I do!" Shadow said. "The only thing about this damn holiday I like is that it makes my business bloom!"

"Well, this holiday may of never made me a ring richer, unlike you" Sonic said. "But I do believe it has done me good, even if you don't believe that!"

"But it's made you poorer," Shadow said. "Spending money on pointless gifts."

"Well, I found something greater than money or gift one Christmas," Sonic said. "True Love."

"Love?" Shadow laughed. "You hear this, Rotor? Like love is better than money and anything else in the universe! Next thing you're going to tell me is that you've married her!"
"I did! Her name is Sally Acorn!" Sonic said.

"You didn't plan on sending me an invite to the wedding?" Shadow asked.

"Didn't bother," Sonic said. "You would've just turned it down and told me to go away."

"True, true," Shadow said. The door opened. Espio and Charmy walked in, with Charmy holding a can with rings in.
"Hello, there," Espio said. "Shadow and Eggman's, I presume?"

"Just Shadow's," Shadow said. "Eggman passed away two years ago today."

"Well then," Charmy said. "We would like to ask you, Mr. Shadow, if you would kindly donate some spare rings for those less fortunate than us?"

"As we know, thanks to winning the Great War and the taxes that come with it, many are left homeless this Christmas!" Espio said.

"Are there's no prison?" Shadow asked.

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