One Shot

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He wasn't at home that night. He had been invited as an honorary speaker to a school's graduation. He'd put on a suit that made him feel confident. Choose his words wisely, as he always does. Kept the focus on being happy, cherishing your dreams, and fighting for them.

So he was there, having another spotlight, eager to finish and return home. It was the first time he wanted his break to start, needing time to recharge and recover. He didn't know another person was in the spotlight that night, many kilometers apart.
A hurt person with only his family left at his side.

They've broken up after that fateful day in Brazil. They both ignored many things building up to this, making the explosion even more significant, lethal, and dangerous. After that, they maintained respect for each other, and Horner asked as much.
It wasn't a part of their contracts, but when Horner caught them kissing back in the tire storage room, they had to come clean. So Horner, taking the team's safety first, made them agree. Their relationship should not affect their performance, teamwork, or attitude if anything goes wrong.

-I don't feel we will end; we love each other, and this feels right. It feels like a home where we can always be safe and loved.

Idiot. Those have been his words. Or maybe the idiot was him for believing them too.

He has been talking with his brother more and more these days. Surprisingly, Toño has good relationship advice. When he asked Checo if this breakup was definite, he answered yes. Toño doubted that answer since it was still during their heated media fallout. But as the days passed, and he saw his brother going to late go-karting lessons, he knew it was over.

Toño said that he should expect to go through phases after a breakup with as much love and intensity as his. Mentioned something similar to grief. Checo didn't pay much attention.
He mentioned depression, bargaining, denial, and acceptance. But what was the other?


It was stupid for him to think that Max would be going through these emotions too. He seemed more composed; he had returned to normal in no time. Like nothing had happened between them, like Max wasn't ready to marry him just a couple of months ago. He was joking, touching him less, but it was there. Maybe, he thought; I was an easily disposable person in his life.

They haven't spoken since the Gala, both awkwardly cramped watching football, a topic they always enjoyed and highly debated during summer nights. So heated discussions that Checo had to silence Max with kisses and tender spanks. They all led to passionate nights. But that's gone now, neither of them sending signs to recover from the mess they've made.

As his speech ends, he hears the students cheering and screaming his name. He will never get used to this, but for this occasion, he feels proud. These young minds are at the pinnacle of life, and he hopes that what he said inspires them through this new stage of their lives. As he told them, he ached for everyday life, a graduation party, but instead, he fought for his dreams differently. No regrets.

Well, the only one he denies he sometimes misses is at another corner of the world that seems like another planet now.
He returns to his seat, accompanied by academics and special guests. He sees a teacher watching something on his phone and timidly approaches Checo.

-Have you seen this?

-Is this urgent?

Checo doesn't want to be disrespectful while some kids start their speeches. The teacher only gives him his phone with an apologetic look. It could be Mick's announcement. Mick had been very excited about sharing the news with him a couple of weeks ago. He knew Checo loved second chances, so Mick knew he would understand exactly how he was feeling.
But on the phone, he saw a different blond. Damn that light; his hair shined like a golden light in the darkness, and his clean look is there. And those damned white t-shirts. He recalls the media spreading rumors of them sharing that sole item. They did; it was more practical. They kept repeating to themselves—not accepting that they enjoyed each other's smells during their busy day.

So Max was giving an interview; why would that man share it in a rush?

-"Accept your role," "you don't survive that long," "fairy tale world."

What. Why are they talking about Bottas? What is the context here? He starts to feel nauseous. Jos' response. Who are they referring to? What is this? He turns the phone away. But his pain and curiosity come afloat. There is a second video. He stops listening; this has nothing to do with me. He refers to the new cars and how his race was shit compared to mine in Singapore.
Damn you Toño, denial, and anger are filling him at the same time.

Clapping noises take his mind back to the present. The ceremony is over, and he is thankful for that. He returns the borrowed phone, misses the teacher's pity look, and pulls his own from his pocket. He can't believe what he just saw. Was Max referring to their relationship as a made-up fantasy world?
Has nothing mattered to him? Was this only an illusion created by Checo? Is Max that angry at him? Him! How could he go and throw his performance and work under the bus? Fuck the golden boy. There must be something more.

He starts writing a text:
What was that ab-

Starts again
Can we talk?

Deletes the question.

He has to fight his impulse and hide his phone. Already a couple of texts, tweets, and missed calls have started appearing on his phone.

It's more peaceful when he enters the helicopter booth. A feeling of sadness and loneliness starts filling his chest. How can he let Max affect him still? Because he didn't only mention the fantasy Checo lived but his career, not a single good word for him.

Ironically, last year was a whole different scenario. Max hadn't mind sharing the spotlight with Checo during his victory. During each interview, he gladly gave credit, thanked him, and solidified their relationship as teammates in front of the world. Checo had fallen for Max every time he replayed those interviews.

Now he can't believe everything went so down the hill. They both had fallen so deeply and created their own worlds. They happily traveled the world, embraced the pressure, gave everything for the best results, and endured every frustration and media duty because they were together. Each lightened the other every time they were together. Entering their own world while conversating with interviewers who just gave up and let them enjoy each other's banter.

But it was not their world now; it was only Checo's made-up fantasy world. He tries recalling Max's expression but finds nothing. Maybe he is passing the anger phase, but he is unsure.
He seems a different person now, miles away. Maybe it is him, his true colors, with his dad following him like a shadow, constantly looking down at Checo and spreading rumors.
Will Max ever come back from this? Checo doesn't hold more hope anymore.

The only thing they shared tonight was a spotlight.
But with very different intentions.

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