vigilante shit

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*Wednesday POV*
On the way to class, a lot of things went through my head, we now know that Yoko wanted something bad for me, or Tyler, well actually all my friends. But I couldn't stop thinking that Xaxier had something to do with it too. But he came to class normally, he didn't even seem confused that Yoko wasn't there. It didn't seem to bother him that she just wasn't there anymore. Maybe he's glad she's gone? Was her black eye maybe caused by him? So many questions and not a single answer. I was starting to feel guilty, was I being mean to him for no reason? Maybe he's not as bad as I thought all along.
I didn't focused on school all day, There were too many things going on in my head, too much thinking. When I wanted to go into my room, I ran into Xavier, of course, it must be him. I apologized but he just smiled at me and said it was his fault.

Xavier: "Are you okay? You seemed so absent today?"
Wednesday: "Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just a little tired."
Xavier: "Sure? If something is wrong, you can always come to me."

I just nodded and then walked on. He was acting kinda weird, he was so nice. Oh man, I shouldn't always be skeptical when people are nice to me. But Xavier? I don't know what to think anymore.
My cell phone rang, I saw that Bianca had written to the group if we wanted to check out the hut and the cave again to see if there was anything new. I wrote that I don't think that would be necessary. Everyone was confused at that.
                                         - chat -
Bianca: Why not? I thought we were sure Xaxier was in on this.
Wednesday: I kinda don't think so anymore, he seemed totally normal today and was really nice to me.
Bianca: Mh okay if you think that's an indication that he's innocent.
Tyler: Wednesday, are you serious? Have you forgotten that you saw in his room exactly the same chains that were in the cave?
Wednesday: No, I haven't forgotten, but maybe that's just a weird coincidence?

After that, I got no reply from anyone. Enid has been weird towards me ever since. I don't understand anything anymore, and I don't know who to believe anymore either.

*Tyler's POV*
I wasn't sure if I should be mad at Wednesday, I mean, is she serious? But I didn't want to start a fight either, I should still be thankfuk that I got another chance and shouldn't risk anything. But still, that worries me a little.
I tried to forget the thought, and I looked for my car keys, I can finally pick up my father from the hospital. Wednesday's uncle said I could keep Thing here for two more days because it might able to help me take care of my father. On the way I wanted to let Fester out at a stop, he had to go away for a few days. When I found my keys, we all went to my car.
Because it was dark, I didn't realize the condition my car was in. I was about to drive off, but I immediately noticed that something was wrong. I got out and checked the car with a flashlight. The two front tires were broken, it looked like someone had punctured them. Fester also came to see it and he too thought they had been pricked. I called my dad that I can't get him and someone has to bring him. I called Wednesday to tell her that. I said I have a feeling that Xavier is behind it.
She said that the tires could just have burst, I shouldn't suspect anything because there's no evidence. When she said that, I felt kind of sick. It was hard that she protected Xavier, and it was even harder that she suddenly thinks he's really nice.
I got a message from Enid, she said that she believes me and that Wednesday is mad at her for defending Yoko and now she just blames Xavier.
I was really angry at Wednesday but tried to calm down. I wanted to see if we had spare tires at home, but of course we didn't.
Unfortunately, her uncle had to walk, I apologized to him, but he just patted me on the shoulder and said that everything was fine and that I should take care of myself.
I then walked in holding my hands and poured my heart out to him. It said not to worry because Wednesday really loves me. I tried to smile and wanted to believe it, but in that moment I really doubted it for the first time.
When my father finally got home, I helped him get into bed. It was now 12:00 a.m., my father went to bed. I was tired too but I was overthinking a lot,  I couldn't sleep. I wrote Wednesday that I'm sorry and that I love and miss her. She read the message but did not reply. It felt like someone stabbed my heart with a knife.
Have I already lost her? To Xavier?

*Pov Wednesday*
I was so mad at Tyler, at Enid argh at everyone. I've always been told I'm too negative and think only bad things about people, and if I say something positive about someone,  I am wrong about that? I was so upset that I took a walk to calm me down. I saw that Tyler texted me, but I didn't feel like answering. On the way I met Xavier again & we talked a little. Meanwhile he came closer and closer to me, even though I don't find him annoying anymore, I felt uncomfortable. I always took a few steps back until I had enough.
After half an hour, I went back to my room and I had a message from a strange number. There were pictures of me and Xavier, they must have just been taken like five mins ago. The person also texted me: "What's your babe going to say about that? I don't think he would like how close you are to Xavier."
I felt sick to my stomach. Not just because the word babe grosses me out, i was scared.
I couldn't believe this happened. 100 questions raced through my head, who took the picture? Was it Xavier himself? But how? Maybe with a self-timer? Does he have a new plan? Is that why he's suddenly being so nice to me and I suddenly see him everywhere? Why does the person wants problems between me and Tyler?

*Tyler's POV*
Since I couldn't sleep, I decided to look at pictures of me and Wednesday. Suddenly I got a message from an unknown number. I felt sick right away when I saw the pictures. Wednesday could be seen standing very, very close to Xavier. Almost too close.
Now I see why she protected him.

Sad Beautiful Tragic (Wednesday x Tyler)Where stories live. Discover now