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"Lilo?" Alexis asks as the group is in a cell.

"Nani says aloha means hello and goodbye but for us it mostly seems to mean goodbye." Lilo says sadly.

"You know turns out I'm pretty strong. I could maybe open this. Whoa! Ha-ha! I am strong!" Reuben says as the cell door opens.

"You didn't open the cell. I did." A voice says revealing to be Gantu.

"Gantu?" Alexis asks.

"I'm breaking you three out of here. Aloha." Gantu says as he smiles.


"Once we're through this airlock it's clear sailing to the spaceport." Gantu says as he opens a door to reveal clone Leroy's.

"This isn't good." Alexis says before a rock appears.

"Hey this looks like Pleakley's rock with a bite out of it. Stitch! How did you get here?" Lilo asks happily as a ship appears with Stitch, Pleakley, and Gumba inside.

"No time explaining. Hurry! Get in!" Gumba says.

"Gantu!?" Pleakley asks in alarm seeing Gantu.

"No time." Alexis says.

"We've got to get back to Earth and save the cousins." Lilo says.

"Well how will we all fit?" Pleakley asks.

"I could ride in the backety-back." Gantu says.

Eyes For You Leroy And Stitch Movie Reuben/625 X OC AlexisWhere stories live. Discover now