Hot Persuit

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"The crow flies at midnight." Carmen says as she and Alexis go down to meet Madame Goldlove and her associate Hugo.

"But can the crow carry a tune?" Madame Goldlove asks.

"But can the crow carry a tune? That is... the correct response." Carmen says as she walks toward Madame Goldlove with Alexis.

"And you would be?" Madame Goldlove asks as she comes toward Alexis and Carmen.

"Dash Haber and this is my associate Vivian Moons." Carmen says as she and Alexis keep their glasses on to cover their eyes.

"I was expecting a male operative and them to be alone for that matter." Hugo says.

"She knew the reply phrase. Do not make me tear the nose hairs from your face. With my teeth!" Madame Goldlove says as she grabs Hugo by his face.

"We have intel that miss Carmen Sandiego may be in the area." Carmen says.

"Because of such there has been a slight change in plans." Alexis says.

"I have heard of this Carmen Sandiego. If she were bold enough to interfere with me I would crack her like a red pistachio." Madame Goldlove says.

"Another operative is waiting to meet you at Neuschwanstein Castle." Carmen says.

"Does VILE not realize it is a tourist trap?" Madam Goldlove says.

"Which makes it the perfect place to hide in plain sight." Alexis says.

"Come Hugo. To Neuschwanstein Castle." Madam Goldlove says as she and Hugo leave.

"Come on." Carmen says as she and Alexis take off running.

"She's in that limo." Alexis says as she and Carmen see Ivy get into a limo with Dash.

"Ivy can you hear us? She's not responding." Carmen says.

"Oh that's not good." Alexis says.

"Sorry to bug you on your first day of school Player." Carmen says as she quickly calls player.

"What's up Red, Ally?" Player asks as he picks up the call on his laptop.

"We lost contact with Ivy." Alexis says.

"Any chance you can trace her commlink?" Carmen asks.

"On it. But staying connected here at school might be harder than I thought." Player says.


"I hope she can keep this up." Alexis says as she is in wolf form while watch Ivy with Dash inside a factory with Carmen.

"But she won't be for long. We gotta think of something." Carmen says before she and Alexis see Hugo the body guard has found them before he then grabs them and reveals them to dash as Madam Goldlove comes over.

"It would seem Hugo was correct. You are clearly not Dash Haber." Madam Goldlove says as she grabs Carmen by the face causing Alexis to growl at her and thrash to try to get loose from Hugo with no luck.

"Carmen Sandiego, Alexis Hathaway? But who are you?" Dash asks.

"Madam Goldlove fool!" Madam Goldlove says angrily.

"Then who are you?" Dash asks as he looks at Ivy.

"I... What she said! She's an impostor!" Ivy shouts as she grabs Dash.

"What!? Do you want to fight?" Madam Goldlove asks angrily as she takes off her jacket.

"No! Why? Do you? I mean yes!" Ivy says as she tries to fool Dash only to have no luck.

"Oh I can't watch this." Alexis says as she covers her eyes with her paw.

"The silly one does not interest me Hugo. Neither does this mutt. She is the pistachio I wish to crack." Madame Goldlove says as she tries to hit Carmen only to hit Hugo instead making him let Alexis and Carmen go.

"Alexis go help Ivy. I'll deal with Goldlove." Carmen says as Alexis nods.

"Got it. Be careful Carm." Alexis says as she runs over and begins helping Ivy with Dash and Hugo.

"Alexis up here." Ivy says as Alexis follows her up some stairs to some cases of gnome chocolate covered gold pieces.

"Great. Dead end." Alexis says before she and Ivy begin hitting guards with the statues.

"What now Carmen?" Ivy asks.

"Duck and run." Carmen says before she knocks Hugo into a chocolate bat before Madam Goldlove knocks Carmen over the run way.

"Carmen!" Alexis shouts angrily as she growls and goes to lunge at Madam Goldlove before everyone stops hearing sirens as Dash and his group quickly leaves.

"You tipped of the polizei?" Madam Goldlove asks angrily.

"Beats trying to deliver ten tons of gold bullion to their doorstep." Carmen says before Alexis headbutts Madam Goldlove in the back sending her into a chocolate bat while Ivy helps Carmen up onto the run way as the group quickly leaves.

Steal My Breath Away Carmen Sandiego: Carmen X OC AlexisWhere stories live. Discover now