Sleepover at Johnny's

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As Alexis is in the living room she soon hears the doorbell and goes to answer the door before seeing Johnny.

"Oh uh.. Hi Johnny. What are you doing here?" Alexis asks shyly.

"Is Gil home?" Johnny asks bluntly as Alexis gives a confused look.

"My brother? Yeah. Gil!" Alexis shouts as Gil comes over.

"Hey Johnny. What's-" Gil then gets cut off by Johnny.

"Do you wanna sleepover at tonight? I've got arcade games and a robot band." Johnny says.

"Aww! Sorry Johnny bro but I'm not really into that stuff." Gil says.

"Well what are you into?" Johnny asks curiously.

"Uh onions! I like onions." Gil says happily.

"He has a thing for onions." Alexis says.

"Great. I got onions too." Johnny says as he smiles.

"One more thing. Can my sister come over? She really enjoys hanging with you." Gil says as Alexis blushes at the statement and gives a nervous look.

"Sure. She can bunk rooms with Susan and Mary." Johnny says.

"Then we'll be there at 8pm sharp." Gil says before he and Alexis go inside.

"Really? After me just telling you last night I wasn't sure how to act around Johnny." Alexis says annoyedly.

"Yep. Hey you gotta tell him at some point. Why not tonight?' Gil asks bluntly.

"Because I don't know how." Alexis says before going upstairs.


"Gil, Alexis what are you doing here?" Mr. Test asks as he answers the door as Alexis and Gil arrive at the Test house.

"Having a sleep over with Johnny. It's gonna rock yo." Gil says as he goes up the stairs.

"I'm staying with Susan and Mary." Alexis says as she goes up the stairs.


"So in sleepovers Alexis and I just sit here and watch you guys build that?" Jillian asks as she is in her sleeping bag and Alexis is reading a book while Sudan and Mary are spray painting a machine red.

"And stay away from Gil!" Susan shouts warningly before going back to painting.

"The boys sound like they're having fun. Let's check it out." Jillian says as the group hears commotion.

"No, no. We have to stay seperated." Mary says before she and Susan see Jillian is gone.

"Keep painting. I'll bring Jillian back to the lab." Susan says before leaving.

"Alexis do you care to help me paint while Sudan goes to get Jillian?" Mary asks as Alexis stands up.

"Sure. I don't mind." Alexis says.

"Thanks." Mary says as Alexis begins painting.

"Hey Mary could I ask you something?" Alexis asks curiously.

"Sure. What's on your mind?" Mary asks.

"Well if you liked someone and weren't sure how to tell them or was worried how they may react how would you handle that feeling?" Alexis asks.

"Well who is it you like?" Mary asks.

"Johnny." Alexis says as Mary looks at her.

"Did you just say Johnny? As in my brother?" Mary asks as Alexis nods.

"Yeah." Alexis says shyly.

"Okay not gonna ask how or why because in honesty I really don't wanna know and don't understand how but I will respect it. Look if you like Johnny I'd say go for it. Just tell him how you feel. If he doesn't feel the same at least you'll know you tried right?" Mary asks as she smiles.

"Right. Thank you." Alexis says happily.

"Anytime." Mary says.


"Sleepovers are exciting." Jillian says a she comes running into the room before Johnny runs into the room.

"You have to go! Gil wants you, Susan wants to destroy you, and I need a clean house!" Johnny says in alarm.

"I'm staying. I'm having fun." Jillian says.

"We'll flip a coin." Johnny says.

"I don't have a coin." Jillian says.

"Fine. We'll spin this beaker. If it lands in you than you stay if it lands on me you go!" Johnny shouts as he spins a beaker.

"Johnny test!" A man says as he busts through the roof.

"Again this is not what it looks like." Johnny says as the man gets out a weapon.

"Johnny you may wanna run." Alexis says.

"Way ahead of you. I need my cleaner upper thingy." Johnny shouts as he runs out of the room.

"That is a horrible name." Mary says.

"Is this thing finished? Sounds like he could really use it." Alexis says as she looks at Mary.

"It's finished nearly finished but I need help finishing the last bits." Mary says.

"Tell me what to do and I'll help best I can." Alexis says determinedly.


"Johnny are you okay?" Alexis asks as she sees Johnny come into he room.

"Please tell me the save my butt machine is done." Johnny says worriedly.

"It's called the twelve handed stuff picker up." Mary says.

"My idea." Alexis says as she smiles.

"I don't care what it's called I just need it now!" Johnny says as he, Alexis, and Mary begin using the machine to clean up the house alongside throwing out uninvited guests.

"Now let's try sleep mode." Mary says as they out everyone to sleep and then turn out the lights as Mr. Test enters the room.

"Sorry dad. We thought we'd have a big non messy camp out down stairs." Johnny says as he gives his dad a glass of milk.

"Well you've been perfect all night son. You enjoy your sleep over. I'll see you all in the morning." Mr. Test says before he leaves. Alexis then looks at Mary who nods before walking off.

"Hey Johnny can we talk?" Alexis asks as Johnny looks at her.

"Yeah. What's up?" Johnny asks.

"Listen I need to tell you something... I like you." Alexis says shyly.

"I like you too. I mean we're friends aren't we?" Johnny asks confusedly.

"No, no. I mean I like you like you. As in romantic interest." Alexis says as she blushes.

"You do?" Johnny asks.

"Yeah." Alexis says.

"Oh.. okay. Cool." Johnny says before walking off as Alexis sighs and goes over to the couch to lay down.

"I guess he doesn't feel the same. I shouldn't of said anything." Alexis thinks before she falls asleep.

Tests Gone Wild Johnny Test Johnny X OC AlexisKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat