Johnny Fu

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A/N: I know I'm skipping a bunch of episodes but I'm not making this book very long. So just imagine that all the time that has passed between episodes has still passed in the book.

As Alexis is walking home she sees Johnny looking rough.

"Hey Johnny are you okay? You look kinda rough." Alexis asks curiously.

"Bumper's taking Kung Fu lessons." Dukey says as Alexis looks at him.

"Bumper? No idea who he is." Alexis says as she shrugs.

"Well Johnny became his punching bag." Dukey says as Alexis looks at Johnny concerned.

"The whole school is. I don't know how you haven't heard about him yet." Johnny says annoyedly.

"No idea either. But then again I tend to keep my profile low but you know why too." Alexis says.

"Well he won't be doing it for long. In gonna head to my sister's lab where they'll load me up with cool gadgets so I can defeat him! I'll become Johnny Fu! Then I'll save the school." Johnny says confidently.

"Wouldn't just taking this to the principal or talking to him do anything?" Alexis asks curiously.

"Yeah Johnny is a no talkey about problems kind of person." Dukey says.

"I can see that. Well I'm gonna head home. I got homework. Let me know how things go." Alexis says as she walks home.


After a couple says Alexis notices Johnny getting continually best up by bumper before going over to bumper at lunch.

"Hey so you're Bumper right?" Alexis asks as she goes up to a red haired boy in a kung fu outfit.

"That's right. Who are you?" Bumper asks.

"My name is Alexis." Alexis says kindly.

"Oh so you're the home school girl I heard about." Bumper says.

"Correct." Alexis says.

"What do you want? Don't you have something to do at home since public school is too good for you." Bumper says as Alexis gives an annoyed look.

"I want you to leave my friend alone. Johnny hasn't done anything to you and doesn't deserve to be your punching bag." Alexis says sternly.

"Oh okay. So I guess that means you'd rather be hit instead of him!" Bumper says as angrily as he goes up to Alexis.

"I did not think this through." Alexis says worriedly as she closes her eyes.

"Leave her alone!" A voice shouts revealing to be Johnny in a strange looking outfit.

"Johnny?" Alexis asks as she smiles while Bumper laughs.

"What's the deal Test? Do you wanna fight or dance? Besides what does it matter to you if this weak girl gets hurt?" Bumper asks.

"Weak!?" Alexis asks angrily before Johnny steps in front of her.

"She isn't a weak girl but that doesn't mean I'm gonna let you hurt her. She's one of my best friends." Johnny says sternly.

"Okay then. Let's dance." Bumper says as he pulls out some nunchucks.

"What!? The principal let you keep those!?" Johnny asks annoyedly.

"I gave him the day off cause I run this school now." Bumper says.

"Not anymore. Johnny Fu!" Johnny shouts as he begins fighting with Bumper.

"I don't normally encourage this kind of thing but go get him Johnny!" Alexis shouts before Johnny then defeats bumper and leaves him in his underwear.

"Okay! I give up!" Bumper shouts as the other kids laugh at him.

"Nice job Johnny." Alexis says as Johnny comes over to her.

"I told you I could handle it." Johnny says triumphantly.

"I guess you were right. Thanks for sticking up for me like that. Nobody has ever done that before." Alexis says as she blushes slightly.

"Not a problem. I wasn't gonna let him hurt you. Besides Dukey you're my best friend. I wouldn't let something happen to you. Why'd you stick up for me though? In all honest as much trouble as I've put you in you had to want me to get hurt at least a little bit." Johnny says.

"Johnny I would never wish harm on you. Yes you can be a pain and make mistakes but I don't care. You're my closest friend." Alexis says as she smiles.

"Well I'm glad you're okay. I'm gonna head home. Wanna walk with me?" Johnny asks as Alexis blushes slightly and feels her heart beat faster at the thought.

"Uh no. I have to decline. I need to pick up something at the store before I head home." Alexis says nervously.

"Okay. See you around then." Johnny says before leaving.

"Huh? Why is my heart beating so fast? Is it.. because of Johnny?" Alexis thinks.

Tests Gone Wild Johnny Test Johnny X OC AlexisWhere stories live. Discover now