Chapter 3: Demon Subjugation

Start from the beginning

(Man, I miss him, I should summon him once just to talk to him, since he's the only dragon to know human language, but I also know Dragon tongue so it's fine either way.)

I then headed out the carriage, and I saw that faker at front again.

(Just wait until I cut your head off and light you up in flames!)

Alex: I want the mages and archers to go to the mountain over there!

He then pointed to everyone's right


Use Sage Skill: Universal Gaze(MAX)

(The ultimate sense skill! I can see everything in this world, nothing escapes my eyes!)

My eyes then turned light blue.


I then discovered that there were lots of demons, probably a little more than a hundred, hiding using invisibility.

(Invisibility to this extent, to the point where their presense is almost gone, it's at least mid tier demons.)

(This guy even lied in the quest paper! I really wanna kill him!)

( I need to take care of this somehow..)

Alex: Since demons usually come out as soon as sun sets , we should set up camp around here.

(That only applies to low tier demons, once you're a mid tier demon, you have immunity against the sun! Anyways, this gives me enough time to sort this out!)

*After setting up camp*

Alex: There is still some time until sun sets, use this as a free time to do anything, just don't wander off too far!

*Inside a tent*

(There are too many eyes watching over that place , looks like I can't physically go out and take them out, but I can take them out....


When a martial artist reaches a certain level, they can temporarily take their soul out their body and go somewhere spiritually, as long as they aren't  too far from their body, the distance varies from each martial art.

But of course, this doesn't apply to the [Apex Martial Arts] It's a art that I created by mixing both orthodox and unorthodox methods, plus a few martial art fantasies I used to watch.

It's a martial art of the highest caliber, a art containing 12 forms, first 3 are orthodox methods, next 3 are more unorthodox, the last six, are techniques that can even destroy the heavens.

I wiped out a whole server while experimenting with them, I almost got banned, so I stopped using it.

I can probably travel the whole world with my spirit form, so let's try it!

(Searches for a good place to start)

(This will have to do.)

*Sits down on the floor*

(Takes a deep breath)


Clear the mind, as if it is a void with nothing in it.

Then  make mana flow into every part of your body, as if your body is a magnet that attracts mana.

After the mana has flowed, breathe in and out to make sure that you can also breathe mana in an out.

Once that is done, concentrate your mana on your meridians so that you have enough vital energy to survive when your soul is out.

Once all of that is done, you should start feeling your soul come out of your body, for beginners there is gonna be immense pain at first, but eventually the pain will go and you would be using your spiritual body

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2023 ⏰

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