10. "Im better than him"

Start from the beginning

-"Claro que no" he says folding his arms pouting

-I take my crocs very seriously I swear Pablo if anything happens to them

-"I'll take very good care of them while I'm here"


-"I promise"

We decided to watch a movie, but it got boring so we both ended up just going on our phones.

I was on Instagram when I got a DM.


Luke Lafayette sent a message

Luke Lafayette liked your post

No way.

Luke Lafayette as in my ex?

We broke up last year, our relationship just wasn't working out so we took a break and then decided to end our relationship.

I was just surprised to see he texted me.


Luke: Hey Kaila
Luke: How's Spain
Luke: Im going there on vacation in a few weeks we should reconnect
Luke: Im sure the rumors are fake I know you, you would never hook up with a famous soccer player 😚

What? This kid thinks he knows me?! After we went on a "break" he decided to go and date my ex best friend. I don't want anything to do with him and he wants to reconnect?!

I guess my facial expression changed drastically because Pablito noticed.

-"What's wrong?"


-"Come on you can tell me"


I showed him the texts and told him the whole story

-"Wow, that's a lot"

-Yeah I know

-"Im better than him"

-Most definitely

-"How could anyone ever do that to you and then act like he didn't do anything, you're literally perfect!"

-Im not perfect but I agree, my relationship with him wasn't the best

-"Yes, you are perfect, you're an angel"

-Stooppp you're making me blush

-"Oh, I thought that was your natural color since you're always red around me" he says teasing me

-You know what, you're so mean. Hmph! 😤

-"You know you love me"


-"Sadly you what"

-Sadly I love you because you're such a rat and you're so freaking annoying and sometimes I want to strangle you and you won't take off my crocs."


-Is that what you wanted I say laughing

-"Yess I loved it"

-Im glad

Then he pulled me into a deep passionate kiss.

I swear this kid kisses me at the most random moments.

We spent the rest of the day enjoying each other's company. We even ordered pizza!

Gavi was probably at my house for 6 hours because he left at 7Pm the same time my parents came home, how convenient.

-"Was Gavi here?" Asks my dad

-Yes, he just left he decided to keep me company since I was alone

-"Okay, just be careful"

-I am, always

-"I think you like Gavi" says my little sister Lauren

-Who doesn't?

-"Good night kids!" Says my mom

-Good night familia peluche

That night I dreamt about the one and only Pablo Gavira.

~authors note~

Who is Luke?

I hope you guys liked this chapter!! I felt like we needed more Kaila, Gavi moments 😋

The World Cup final is in 2 days!!!!

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Xoxo your writer 💋

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