chapter 247: evolution time 7

Start from the beginning

Numel: Yaawwnn... Is... Is anything happening?

Aron: yeah we're training remember

Numel: Oh Right. Couldn't feel it

Aron: aww cmon i've been training all day

Jacob: well to be fair he does have the type advantage

Aron: Aww Man, Can't you feel anything?

Numel: Hmmmmm... Nope

Aron: Aww, Man

Numel then began to glow and evolve

Numel: I think.., I feel tingly

He evolved into this

He evolved into this

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Camerupt: male

Camerupt: camerupt!

Jacob: nice you evolved by doing nothing

Camerupt: Yeah, Now I feel like I wanna watch the world Burn... Or Just Kindle some wood, both is fine

Jacob: let's go with the wood, seems safer and less violent *pulls out some wood* maybe we can cook some meat while we're at it

Camerupt: Good, Just don't touch the face

Jacob: do you like well done?

Camerupt: What do you think?

Jacob: i don't know you tell me?

Camerupt: Yes

Jacob: good to know you know you can't expect me to remember how everyone likes their meat cooked

Camerupt: Yeah, and I eat cacti so Guess again

Jacob: yeah yeah

Small timeskip

The group were now eating se beef skewers

Jacob: not bad camerupt not bad

Camerupt: I Try my best

Just then spoink began to evolve

Just then spoink began to evolve

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Grumpig: male

Grumpig: Grumpig

Jacob: nice another evolved Pokémon

Grumpig: Oh God I stopped Bouncing! And I'm Okay? Oh God I almost had A Heart Attack!

Jacob: *checks Grumpig heart rate* your heart beat is a-ok, you don't have to bounce nonstop anymore

Grumpig: Oh Thank The Lord! I feel good, To be honest

Jacob: good I'm glad, alright have fun back home *calls him back in his pokeball* guess that just a leaves you Aron

Aron: Yep, I Guess so

Jacob: I guess you require more strength and training but don't worry I'll help

Aron: Thanks Jacob

Jacob: i might know a way to see how powerful you really are

Aron: Really? What is it?

Jacob: hit me as hard as you can with a double edge attack

Aron: Are... you sure?

Jacob: trust me i know what i'm doing

Aron: Alright then If you say so

Aron then rushed towards jacob as he left behind a silver trail, he then slammed into Jacob's stomach pushing him back a few feet

Jacob: perfect did you feel any damage at all

Aron: Not really, I Guess your defense was too high

Jacob: well yes but actually it's cause you have the ability rock head, it protects you from recoil damage, move like double edge can damage other users but you're immune to the damage

Aron: Oh Wow

Jacob: it's perfect cause moves that have recoil damage are the most powerful but you got another move that is perfect for this case, head smash

Aron: Oh Great

Jacob then pulled out a massive rock

Jacob: i want you to charge into this rock as hard as you can with a fully charged rock head

Aron: Right, I can do that

Jacob: good now do it

Aron stepped back as his body became surrounded in a whitish-blue aura, then the aura surrounds his body, he then shoot himself towards the rock, he then slammed into the rock so hard that it burst into little pieces

Aron: Yes! I did it!

Just then he began to glow and evolve

Just then he began to glow and evolve

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Lairon: male

Lairon: Lairon!

Jacob: alright you evolved

Lairon: Hell yeah!! Thanks Jacob!

Jacob: your welcome now come here you *lifts him up and notices how heavy he is* woah your way heavier than usual Lairon you must also have the heavy metal ability, your weight it now doubled*loses balance* going down *falls to the ground with Lairon on top of him*

Lairon:    Sorry about that

Jacob: it's ok, i think I'll let you stay with me and  the others, your abilities and moves can be useful for me

Lairon: Oh Really? Thanks!

Jacob: anytime buddy, anytime

With new pokemon evolved out heroes continue their journey where their next task awaits them, fine out what it is next time on the POKE KING OF THE MULTIVERSE

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