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We've finally finished our last year in hogwarts.
Me and draco moved into a house in London where we could raise Danielle and her brother scorpius malfoy also lives with us. I luckily fell pregnant even though that doctor told me it was impossible, it was a very hard pregnancy but my little scorpius mad everything worth it and Danielle grew up to be a gorgeous teenager.
Danielle is so excited to be a big sister.
Me and draco are getting married in a year after scorpius turns one.
I love my little family, so much, I couldn't ask for anything better.
Blaise and Pansy also moved to London together blaise finally told her how he felt and now they are together.
Time skip.
It's finally mine and dracos wedding day, Danielle is gonna be out flower girl and draco asked scorpius to be his best man so he wasn't left out.
D: y/n, the day we kissed and finally started dating I knew that I'd love you always and forever, I've loved you since second year, I just never had the guts to tell you. When I had to leave it was the hardest thing ever because I didn't want to leave you, I love you so much y/n zabini.
Y/n: draco I've loved you since first year, I mean us becoming best friends was the best thing to happen to me, you've been there for me all the time and when we used to kiss behind everyone's backs even tho we weren't a couple we were both massively in love with eachother. That time me and you kissed was the best thing that happened to me even tho we never officiated become a couple I knew me and you would be in love, always and forever.
We both kiss officiating our marriage as everyone cheers.
D: I love you.
Y/n: always and forever

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