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When I wake up I'm in the hospital wing well the one
at malfoy manor. Draco sitting beside me.
D: y/n! Your awake!
Y/n: what happened..?
D: you passed out a-and you haven't woken up for like 5days. His voice breakes a bit
I place my hand onto his cheek
Y/n: I'm okay. I softly smile at him as a tear falls down his Cheek
D: I was so scared. I didnt want to loose you.
Y/n: I'm okay now, it's going to be okay.
B: Y/N!!
He immediately pulls me into a massive hug
Y/n: blaise I-I can't breathe
B: shit! Yeah sorry. I've missed you so much
P: we seriously thought you was gonna die. Pansy says as she pulls me into a hug.
Y/n: guys. I just passed out it's no biggie.
D: no y/n. It's not 'no biggie' you could've not woken up.
B: yeah it was fucking scary.
Y/n: oh? But..nothing happened that could've caused it
D: the doctors said they don't know..
I try to sit up but I'm hit with that awful headache again.
Y/n: shit..
D: are you okay!?
Y/n: y-yeah just my head hurts a bit. I'll be fine.
D: no y/n. You said that before you passed out lay back down.
Y/n: no draco seriously I'm fine.
Suddenly I remember why my head hurts. I talked back to my mother, she pushed me into the wall causing my head to bleed.
D: y/n?
Y/n: huh? Oh
D: are you okay..?
Y/n: um..uh yeah. Fine.
B: y/n. We need to talk.
B: is it okay if you guys leave for a second
P: yeah.
D: okay.
Draco and Pansy leave so it's just me and blaise
B: y/n. Did mother cause this.
I let out a sigh tears starting to form in my eyes
Y/n: it was all my fault I'm sorry..
B: no no y/n. It's not your fault I just need to know because maybe we can stay with the malfoys all the time.
Y/n: y-yes she did..I talked back to her a-and she pushed me into the wall..well she didn't push me she used her wand, a-and my head started to bleed but I didn't want to tell anyone because i didn't want to ruin dinner..
B: y/n.. you would've ruined anything.
He pulls me into a hug as I sob quietly into his chest.
B: it's okay..your okay.
Time skip
Me and draco are laying in his bed just talking.
Y/n: Woah did you get tattoos whilst you was gone.
D: oh yeah.
D: I got one here. He points to his hip.
D: and I've got one here. He points to the right side of his chest.
D: and then um..obviously my mark.
Y/n: I like them.
D: do you have any.
Y/n: yeah I have one here. I say pointing to my thigh.

D: you have a Medusa tattoo

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D: you have a Medusa tattoo.
Y/n: oh um yeah..sorry. I forgot
D: why are you apologising?
Y/n: I-I don't know..
D: do you have any others
Y/n: um I have semi colon on my upper arm

 D: do you have any others Y/n: um I have semi colon on my upper arm

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Y/n: a-and I have butterflies on my other arm...

Y/n: a-and I have butterflies on my other arm

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D: their gorgeous y/n. Truly.

I couldn't find any pictures for dracos tattoos so you can make it up
Medusa tattoo- Medusa tattoos are a symbol of survival, often from sexual abuse, sexual assault or rape.
Semi colon tattoo- a message of affirmation and solidarity with those who have dealt with suicide, depression, addiction, and other mental health issues.
Butterfly tattoo- The Butterfly Project encourages people to draw a butterfly on their wrist. They name the butterfly after someone they love and look at it whenever they feel the urge to cut. If the person cuts, they kill the butterfly.

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