Scarlet Witch Transforming Scene

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Agatha pushes her hands forward.
"Wait who is that?" 

She looks at them in shock because her magic didn't work.
"I think a better question would be 'what the hell is wrong with her hands?'"

Wanda's face becomes normal again.
"The other person is a witch..." 
"Good or bad?" 
"She's attacking Wanda so probably bad," 

She lifts her hand and reveals the runes on the Hex.

Agatha: Runes.

Wanda: "In a given space, only the witch who cast them can use her magic".
"So you're a witch?" .
"I don't know, I don't cast spells so I don't think so," 

Thanks for the lesson... but I don't need you to tell me who I am.A slightly translucent red crown forms on her head.
"Nice tiara," .

Agatha: No. No.
Wanda extends her arms and takes her magic back from Agatha.Agatha: No. No! No! No!

Wanda is surrounded by her magic. When the magic clears, she is in her Scarlet Witch outfit.
"Did you just, like, create an entire outfit out of thin air?" 

Agatha: Oh, God. You don't know what you've done.
"What exactly did she do?"

"Dont just end the clip there man"

I can't really say i did this right now cos its been a draft for ages. there was a vid attached to the top but it was deleted and i cant be fucked finding a new one.

Also, two chapters in less than half an hour? Im so cool.

Peace out, Brussels Sprouts


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