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hey besties

ik i keep saying ill update but i haven't cos im lazy af and also i forgot. I prolly will soon tho cos its the summer holidays in new zealand and i just made all my friends hate me so ill be lonely.

Btw i can see the names of the reading lists this fic is being put into and idk how to feel abt what ive learnt so far abt some of yall but its funny af.

not to rant but imma rant abt my friend group cos theyre straight and have good mental health so they don't use wattpad.

So basically theres this kid called jacob whos short and ugly (i would feel bad abt saying that but youll see why idc) and hes really openly homophobic. So im bi and he found out and he started going on an absolute rampage on the gc abt how gay people are mistakes and how i was a waste of space but some of the girls in the chat started sticking up for me.

 He also started saying that, in his exact words, "gay people rely on straight people", his reason being the fact that you need a sperm and an egg to make a child. I then had to explain the him that he was wrong, and gay people could have kids, like a bi or pan or omni or genderfluid or a donor or trans etc. He ignored my point completely and continued on his rampage. My friend Kelsie then had to step in and tell jacob he was wrong cos her mum worked at one of those donor place thinga-maj-igs and then he said that the woman used to carry the baby was straight tho and i was like no bitch sexuality and anatomy are different.

 He then moved on to being sexist and misogynistic and saying women were useless and second to men. My friend lola said that the argument was three against one and when jacob asked who the three was her answer was "me, kelsie, and sophie" and then my other 'friend' who is also called sophie felt the need to step in and just make sure everybody knew that they werent talking abt her. 

jacob responded to lola saying that it was 0 v 1 cos he was a man and womens votes dont count and then kelsie said tf ur 14 bitch u cant vote anyways. anyways other sophie kept on telling us to stop arguing and jacob kept on acting like he won when he didnt cos all his points were wrong but i was just sticking up for myself and sophie can kinda be a bitch and i think shes one of those 'just dont try kiss me' girls cos whenever i call my female friends pretty she looks at me weirdly but im not attracted to any of them theyre just really pretty. Also sophie made the chat and she kicked me out but not jacob and when i privately messaged her to say that she was kinda being unreasonable so just said okay and left the rest of my messages on delivered. Anyways Jacob and Sophie are in my burn book now.

Also i forgot to mention that jacob bodyshames women and doesnt really get that most skinny people dont have boobs and all my friends are skinny.

I added paragraphs to make it readable

theyre kinda toxic tbh. I don't really expect anyone to read my whole ass essay i just needed to get it off my chest

xoxo gossip girl

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