Chapter 14

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Y/n and the others were on the bridge explaining the plan.

Y/n: So how are going to do it?

Plo: There many routes that we can take

Ashoka: Yes, but there will be innocent people who will get caught in the cross fire.

Y/n: We need more Intel.

Then that gave him an idea.

Y/n: Contact the Bad Batch. Have them up to the bridge.

Trooper: Yes, sir.


The Bad Batch arrives at the Bridge.

Hunter: Waiting for orders, General.

Y/n: We need you and your team on a recon mission.

Wrecker: Ahh, I hate recon missions.

Crosshair: What's the objective?

Y/n: Tomorrow is the first princess birthday. But on her birthday, Prince Julio will be revealing his sister's dark secret resulting the death of her own mother.

Hunter: We will not that happen, sir.

Y/n: That's good to hear. Now departure immediately.

Hunter: Sir, yes, sir.


Y/n was meditating after seeing the that. He saw an island that was some kind of a facility. Then felt a bit of Force calling to him.

Then he opens his eyes

Master Yoda and Shaak-ti were in the room.

Shaak-ti: What did you see?

Y/n: An island. Something is calling me to it.

Yoda: Hmm, find this island you must.

Y/n nod and a trooper enters

Clone: Sir, the they are back


Y/n was among the coward as the ceremony was happening

Y/n: Shaak-ti, are you in position?

Shaak-ti: I am.

Y/n: Ashoka?

Ashoka: Ready.

Y/n: Commander Howzer?

Howzer: Waiting on your signal.

Y/n: Alright, when the first princess truth is revealed. The mother and her daughter will use the back exit as an escape route. Shaak-ti and I will pick them up while Ashley will grab the First Princess maid. Then Come Howzer will pick us up on the gunships

Y/n: Everyone clear?

Everyone: Yes

When the ceremony final reach the Palace eveyone was excited

Y/n watches until it happens

The alarm for the Norma went off making him to go to the back

Upon arriving, Y/n and Shaak-ti saw security officers waiting for them.

When the Queen and the Palace exit out they were surrounded.

Y/n and Shaak-ti then jumps in drawing their lightsabers

Y/n and Shaak-ti then jumps in drawing their lightsabers

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The gaurds nervous and having their guns pointing at them

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The gaurds nervous and having their guns pointing at them

Y/n and Shaak-ti were waiting until

(Just the gunship entrance)

The gunships scare the officers causing some of them to scatter while some stay to attack

Y/n and Shaak-ti protect the princess and the queen

When the gunships land Shaak-ti takes the princess.

Y/n was about to make his move until he was cut off by explosion vehicle.

He picks up the queen with notice that she's blushing.

He jumps so high that he made it

Then the gunship left the area and they saw the other gunship with Ashoka and the maid.

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