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Do not read this if you have not finished Lethal. This is a one-shot specifically for the protagonists in that book.

Please note that this one-shot takes place roughly three years after "the locket."

It is highly recommended that readers revisit the bonus chapter on Lethal and refresh their memory on what happens.


An inside look at the family behind the notorious Long Beach jewelry shop, Harry's.

Molly Styles

"How old is he now?" Zayn inquires, following me around the small aisles.

I'm at Harry's restocking jewelry. I'm trudging the heavy bin around on my hip, looking for empty spots to replace items. Usually, the shop is pretty busy, but on a day like today, families are all out spending time together. It's the morning after Christmas.

"Three, he'll be four next week," I inform him.

"That's what I figured. Are you throwing him a party?" Zayn takes a few pieces of jewelry, laying them out on the table in front of us.

"Yeah. Niall and Sakura are driving over," I explain, producing a small grin on my lips. I haven't seen them in a while. "It'll just be a small party. He doesn't even like cake, so we might have to settle for something else. I mean, isn't that crazy? A kid that doesn't like cake. Who would've thought?"

"He's weird," Zayn teases. "Probably gets it from Harry."

"Oh, he gets a lot of things from Harry. The older he gets, the more I'm starting to realize," I shake my head in disbelief. "It's like he has a clone with blond hair."

"Speaking of... this is Harry's shop. Shouldn't he be in here restocking?" Zayn points out. "Where the hell is he?"

I laugh, motioning for Zayn to follow me. I lead him over to a window and I pull open the blinds, "He's right there. With Brooks."

Outside in the small patch of grass next to our shop, Harry's running around with a soccer ball at his feet. Brooks, our son, is chasing him, trying to grab the ball. Both of them are laughing with the exact same grin on their face. Harry entertains Brooks, letting him near the soccer ball, but eventually he shoots and scores on the tiny plastic soccer goal we bought Brooks for Christmas.

Brooks ends up tripping in the goal, falling face first into the grass. Harry lifts him up, joining him on the ground. To make him feel better, Harry hands him the ball, and they sit together rolling it back and forth.

I smile.

Taz comes across the tops of the shelves, joining both me and Zayn as we stare outside. Sometimes we let him tag along to the shop. He rubs up against Zayn and then me, purring as he greets us. I swear every time I look at him, he gets bigger. He's about six, maybe seven years old, and he's huge for a cat. Like gigantic.

I reach over to pet him, while Zayn follows up with a laugh, "He might not be in here working, but at least he's happy. He's a good dad."

He really is. I always knew he would be.

"Oh, he's amazing. He's just too nice," I shake my head. "Brooks wants a toy, he buys it. Brooks wants to sleep in our bed instead of his, he lets him. He has no restraint, but it's cute. He loves him more than anything."

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