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Jiu pov

People go through their life wanting different things. Some want money. Some want happiness but for a lot of people, it's power.

At times in your life you felt helpless. Such as when Minx disbanded. If only you had the power to push forward as that group. Life still went well with the birth of dreamcatcher but in that moment you felt powerless. Despite that, your life ended up ok with fans that loved you.

Hoping in your bed after a long day, your eyes shut closed as you drifted off to dreamland in mere minutes.

You found yourself at the company, dancing in the practice room. Most of your members could be found around the room relaxing except for the Maknea.

The sound of yelling could be heard from the hallway suddenly.  As each of you looked around at each other. Several large men with weapons ran into the room and began to yell at each of you. Panic was the only thing in your mind as your body just followed the men's instructions.

You aren't quite sure how much time passed until the men help you all up and Bring Gahyeon into the room. Happy to see her, you all ran to her and embraced her like it was the last time ever. With things a bit calmer, your eyes could finally see the words police written on their vests.

An older man at that time walked up to you all and opened his mouth to speak. As his mouth moved the voice seemed familiar.

"Jiu. Jiu, Jiu Jiu, MINJI wake up!"

Looking around, you saw you were actually in bed and Sua was standing over you.

"We have been trying to wake you up the past 5 minutes. We need to head to practice. Hurry up."

That was a really weird dream and not one you would like to relive. Rushing to the bathroom, you quickly got ready and went down to the van waiting for you. Your manager didn't seem happy you were all late but he just stayed silent and began to drive to the company.

A tap to the shoulder caught you attention as Siyeon handed you a protein bar.

"You truly slept like a log today. You ok?"

"Yeah. Just a bad dream. Thanks singie."

Eating the protein bar, you finally made it to the company and ran in to get to practice. After a scolding from some of the higher ups, you all started to dance with hours going by.

"Alright ladies. Despite the late start, you are all getting it down. I am going to leave but I want you all here for a few more hours to make up for the time I wasted. Got it?"

Holding your heads down, each of you nodded yes as your dance instructor left. Looking around, you expected to see you members to be mad but they all smiled at you and came closer.

"We have all overslept before. Let's just keep practicing unnie."

The warm words from dami made you smile as you got ready to keep dancing.

"I'm gonna head to the bathroom so we can wait till I come back."

"Ok Gahyeon. See you in a bit."

With Gahyeon now gone, the rest of you members sat down for a bit and began to relax. You decided to keep practicing for a little bit until you felt a sense of Deja Vu. Where had you seen all this before?

A sudden commotion from the hallway caught your attention and reminded you. It was your dream. Several armed men began to rush into the room and yell at all of you. Laying on the floor, you knew this was exactly like your dream now.

Laying there, you tried to come up with any possible explanation why this was just like your nightmare. At that time Gahyeon came Running in as you were let back up. The same old man came walking in as you all embraced Gahyeon.

"Ladies. I am very sorry to tell you this but this entire building is being investigated. We need to ask you to leave And come with us."

Sua didn't even hesitate to speak to the man.

"I'm sorry but all this needs to be explained. You pointed weapons at us."

Before the man could speak, yells could be heard in the hallway once more but they were voices you recognized. Running to the hallway, you and your members saw your ceo as well and several employees including your managers being escorted in cuffs.

"Ceo-min! What is going on?"

Handong's question echoed in the hall as your ceo just looked down.

"Ladies. Your boss and several employees have been smuggling drugs into the country and using the company as a front."

The words from the older man shocked you all as you saw the people being escorted.

"We are sorry ladies but you need to come down to the station to answer a few questions today. For now, this company is done for."

The police pointed to wards the entrance as you each walked, too stun to speak. The flash of camera's hurt your eyes and news stations were all there to cover this incident.

"Ladies. Did you know this was happening?"

"Did any of you help?"

"What does this mean for dreamcatcher?"

The last question was all you could focus on. What will become of you and the girls?

On top of Mount Everest.

Walking out from your portal, you found the young man standing there enjoying the view.

"Porter. How's the view?"

"Amazing as always.I just wanted one last look at this before it all ends. Let me guess Ace. You're here to give me a chat."

"Well I was in another universe when I felt your actions. Why did you release your energy?"

"Simple. I'm tired of being the ruler of this multiverse. 50,000 years was long enough for me and I'm ready to die."

"Ok. I respect that but what you did was reckless. The energy you released went to look for a source and landed in people who never got the chance to say they wanted it or not. It could have landed in the wrong person also. Look Porter, you should have just summoned me to have a chat."

"I-I'm sorry."

"Don't be. Whats done is done and I will find them and teach them. I'm assuming you want me to let you pass on then?"

With a nod, you looked to the side and a portal opened.

"Enjoy the afterlife."

"Thank you ace. And good luck teaching the newbies."

As Porter walked into the portal, a huge sigh left your mouth as you closed that one and opened a new one to Seoul.

"Let's see what type of people I'm stuck teaching this time."

A/n- first chapter done. So things are looking grim for the dc girls. What do you guys think happened? How did jiu dream about all of that happening?

Will ace be able to help?

As always thank you for reading, sorry for typos and see you next time.

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