Chapter 9: 2v2 Part 1! Thomas VS Nukkuru!

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(From the perspective of Thomas during his fight!)

Nukkuru hits the ground landing with with a pained grunt. I slowly walk towards him as he slowly gets up off the floor. He holds his side in pain from the elbow I delivered to his ribs earlier as he grins at me and says, "Seems to me that you weren't as rusty as you thought you were..." I place my arm over my chest to stretch out my shoulder and reply with, "I guess so...enough talking though I'd like to get started!" Nukkuru pops two of his knuckles with a satisfying "CRACK" as he hops up and down a couple of times, assumes a solid boxing stance, and beckons me towards him. I engage the fight with a strong right hook, left jab, and a sidekick to the ribs. But Nukkuru was quick to block both punches and catches my kick, then spins and throws me several feet into a pillar. What amazing reflexes! The ability to turn my offense into his with such little effort requires lots of training...impressive! I brace my arms and legs behind me to absorb most of the contact with the pillar, but as I slam into it I feel a sharp pain in my back. I get up quickly as Nukkuru rushes me and throws a quick jab combo followed by a right hook. I sidestep the jabs and then duck the hook and immediately counter with a strong gut punch. I make contact and Nukkuru grunts in pain as I targeted the same area as before with the elbow strike. In this moment of hesitation from Nukkuru, I throw a quick right hook to his face which forces his face to the side with a loud "SMACK!" I smile and continue to press the advantage and throw a front kick to his chest that sends him stumbling back several feet as he struggles to regain his footing. Nukkuru wipes blood off of his face from his now busted lip and smiles as he looks back up to me and says, "Hmph...not bad." This time I'm the one who motions him over to me as he comes running in with a wild right hook. I move to block the attack but suddenly he stops the attack and throws a left cross in my blind spot. It was a feint attack! I feel a sharp pain as his left fist hits my cheek with a flash of white, sending me flying back into the wall with a force much stronger than a normal human. This time the pain was much greater than the last one as I slam back into the pillar which sends cracks in all directions! I struggle to move as I recover from the blow I just took. I snap my head up to see Nukkuru crack two more knuckles and start sprinting towards me. I prepare to move as Nukkuru rushes me down then jumps into the air and yells, "Take THIS!" I dive to the side as Nukkuru's flying Superman punch slams into the pillar, shattering it to pieces! I stare in shock as Nukkuru slowly turns to look at me as he adjusts his grip on his brass knuckles and starts walking towards me. I knew that he was strong but that attack of his just destroyed a concrete pillar in one punch! There is no way I'm going to beat him in brute strength so I need a new game plan. He defiantly got stronger somehow but I still don't know how his quirk works. One thing I do know for sure is that his power boost defiantly affects his whole body, otherwise he couldn't have jumped such a high and far distance to do that flying Superman punch! But how is he powering up? My thoughts are interrupted by Nukkuru running at me again as he engages with a strong right cross, however I was ready for this attack and I had a plan to shut down those powerful punches of his too! As the right cross reaches me I dodge into it letting it slide past my face as I maneuver around his right side. This caught him off guard, so I grabbed his arm with both hands and used my momentum to pull his arm back behind him like a lever. Before Nukkuru could struggle free I wrenched his arm as hard as I could until I heard his shoulder dislocate with a loud "CRUNCH"! With his arm dislocated he could no longer use it to throw punches and that would give me the edge! If I can't win with strength then I'll beat him in technique! Nukkuru shouted in pain as I held his arm in place, but to my astonishment he smiled through a grimace and said, " You're wide open now...Special Move...Knuckle Ball Punch!"  Before I could react Nukkuru punched me square in the ribs and at the same time I felt him pop his knuckles using me as a backstop! I gasp in pain as Nukkuru follows through with the punch and I'm sent flying all the way across the building with a tremendous amount of force! I brace for impact with my exoskeleton but only three of my four limbs respond. I slam through two pillars and rag doll across the floor until I finally slide to a stop and my vision goes dark. After several seconds go by my vision slowly blurs back to life as I struggle to gain consciousness. As my vision comes back to me I try to stand up but I am quickly stopped by sharp stabbing pain in my side. I gasp out as the pain becomes almost too much to bear. I take a glance at my exoskeleton and see that it is now a hunk of dented metal. If I hadn't have used it to absorb the shock of those pillars I would have been a goner for sure! I detach it from my body and struggle to my knees as I hold my side full of broken ribs. "I would stay down if I were you." I hear as Nukkuru slowly approaches me. I try to speak but instead I cough up blood, and I look up to see him standing over me, smiling in confidence that he was the victor. "Don't get me wrong Thomas you put up a great fight...but you are in no condition to fight and I don't want to have to hurt you anymore." I struggle to get up but I can only take my hands off the ground and sit up before my ribs cause me to stop and wince in pain. As I struggle to breath Nukkuru kneels down next to me and puts his hand on my shoulder and says, "Don't feel bad, just know that your quirk just isn't strong enough to beat me." He stands up and turns his back to me and starts to walk away, but he stops suddenly, he turns around shocked to see that I had stood up then looks down at the ground to see the empty vile of morphine I had just injected into myself. I hold my side as I look to Nukkuru and say, "I'm proud of you son...that's what he said to me before he died." Nukkuru looks at me in confusion as I continue with, "Ever since then I have vowed to be something that he can be proud of...even though he isn't here to see it...I owe him that much at least. Nukkuru takes a step back as I draw my knife and cut my palm open with it. "Even if it's not enough...even if it's no good in the end...I'll be damned if I give up and let someone walk all over me!" Nukkuru watches in shock as I draw a flash bang from the gash in my hand and pick up a rock with the other. Nukkuru hesitates then shouts back, "Thomas look at you...broken ribs... barely even can't win!" I laugh and respond with, "Even if I don't win...even if it's dad never gave up and neither will I!" Before Nukkuru can do anything I prep the grenade and throw it at him at the same time I close my eyes and plug my ears as the flash bang grenade goes off completely blinding Nukkuru who yells out in pain and confusion. While he is in his stunned and dazed state, I muster all of my strength and rush forward with a yell of pure adrenaline! As I reach Nukkuru I swing the rock towards his jaw as hard as I can to knock him out. The rock hits home and Nukkuru's head jolts to the side as his brain slams into the wall of his scull! I cry out in pain as the morphine wears off and I fall to my knees gasping for breath. I look to see Nukkuru stumble around for a few seconds then fall to his knees as his eyes roll to the back of his head and he falls to the floor knocked clean out! I smile as my desperate plan had somehow worked! All of a sudden my vision starts to blur and the last thing I see is Nukkuru's motionless body as I loose consciousness and fall to the floor.

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