Meekly, I let him shepherd me up the stairs and into the bathroom, my brain not really functioning properly. Otherwise, I'd tell him to fuck off. I would.

Wouldn't I?

Before I really know what's happening, Theo's unbuttoning my wet jeans and yanking them down my legs, on his knees so he can get them off me.

"Hey," I protest weakly, hands settling on his shoulders (for balance, obviously. Not because it feels good. None of this feels good, especially not the fact he's on his knees for me).

"I told you," he replies gruffly, discarding the jeans to the side. "You can complain later."

He's back on his feet, taking my t-shirt off, leaving me just in my underwear. He twists around and grabs a clean towel out of the cabinet and pushes it into my hands. Then, he moves around me and turns the shower on, adjusting the temperature until he's satisfied.

Years ago, I had no issue with Theo undressing me, or with being in my underwear around him. He had an en-suite at his old place, so sometimes (often), we'd shower together.

This feels different, though. So many years have passed. My body has changed so much and I would bet his has as well. Not that he's naked. Not that I want to see him naked. At all.


"Go on," he murmurs, shaking me out of my thoughts. "Finish getting undressed and get in the shower. Take as long as you want, okay? Help yourself to soap and everything. I'll grab you some clean clothes and then I'll be downstairs."

This is... so like Theo, but so not like Theo. Not like how he's been the last few days. It's like he was before. Always looking out for me, taking care of me. Fucking hell, I leant on him so much when everything was falling apart.

Maybe that's why he cheated. Being my emotional crutch just got too much for him.

Probably, was too much for him.

He leaves me to my miserable thoughts, quietly shutting the door behind him.

I take my underwear off and get in the shower, my body instantly responding to the warmth. My brain, on the other hand, can't think of anything other than Theo. The low-lying frustration thrumming through him and the way he wasn't focused on my body at all as he was taking my clothes off. Wasn't admiring me or anything. Just insisted on taking everything off and bundling me in the shower.

Something funny tugs at my gut. I'm hot as fuck now. All these years of playing D1 volleyball have given me muscles that I never had in high school. My legs are very shapely, my stomach defined with muscle and my ass really toned. Clearly, he didn't notice that.

Maybe he's not attracted to me anymore. That's fair, because, well, I'm not attracted to him either. There's nothing attractive about his brown eyes, curly dark hair and well-kept beard. His lips don't look inviting at all, and as for the way it felt to be in his arms... no, thanks.

Determined to warm up in the shower and then leave before I can get any more distracted by how he's changed over the last few years, I find the same mint shower gel he always used and lather it on. I borrow some of his precious shampoo, too, even though it's specifically designed for people with curly or wavy hair and mine is super flat and short.

I think I take ages in the shower, but I have no concept of time because my phone was in my jacket pocket, which is still downstairs.

When I finally drag myself out of the shower, I'm very much warmed up again. Theo has left me some of his clothes just outside the bathroom, so I grab those and put them on. I try not to think about how intimate it feels for me to wear a pair of his boxers. Given my height, the sweatpants are only slightly too big and the hoodie is nice and baggy but doesn't drown me. He's also left me a pair of fluffy socks, which keep my feet toasty.

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