"Well, you're a baby to me because you're 7 years younger." He picked up a pillow and looked towards her bedroom door. "So," He began in a quieter tone.

"No." She quickly cut him off. She knew he would catch on. He always did.

She took his silence as an agreement of understanding. Jade grabbed an ordinary blouse and a brown skirt. "May I get changed?"

Charlie let out a dramatic sigh as he sulked out of bed and left her room. "20 minutes or I'm leaving you!" He called over his shoulder.

"Don't threaten me with a good time!" She hollered back. She could hear his laugh as he descended the stairs as she turned back to get dressed.

Jade glanced over at her books that were resting at her desk and bit her lip. The last few days following the conversation with Anne and Gilbert had been a nightmare. Ms. Stacey had changed seating arrangements, meaning Jade had to sit next to Anne. She continuously caught her and Gilbert staring at each other or smiling and it made her want to jump out of the schoolhouse window every time she noticed them talking at the coat rack on the way out.

She would be lying if she said she hadn't been avoiding the two of them since then. Jade didn't talk to Gilbert or Anne or anyone else for the rest of the week. She kept her head down in class and ate her lunch in the storage room. At the end of the day, she would grab her belongings as fast as she could and sprint off.

She couldn't stand it. The dance was tomorrow and she had no date, no plan, and no dignity left. All she had was a dress and deep regret for her own actions.

You've got no one to blame but yourself. She reminded herself as she pulled her hair back with a ribbon.

Jade quickly tied her boots and set off downstairs. She grabbed her brown coat off the coat rack and waved goodbye to her mother before stepping out into the chilly autumn air. Charlie grinned.

"You're getting faster."

"You're getting more annoying."

He ignored her retort as he led them off their property and to his carriage. "Ladies first, I insist."

Jade shook her head and allowed Charlie to help her up onto the carriage before he mounted himself. "To Charlottetown!"


The first 20 minutes of the ride were silent other than Charlie's occasional humming or random comment about the scenery. Jade just enjoyed the scenery as they made their way through town and past all the small businesses she usually ran past on her way home from school.

As they neared the town square, she could see the beginnings of the setup for tomorrow night's dance. Lots of men were carrying decorations and lights while some women nagged at nearby children for trying to snag flowers from the elaborate bouquets. Jade sighed and looked away.

"Are we going to keep riding in silence for the next 30 minutes or are you gonna finally talk about what's got you ready to strangle someone?" Charlie spoke up, looking over at his sister who was glaring at a teenage boy for blowing a kiss to a passing girl.

"I'm not going to strangle anyone." Jade rolled her eyes, smoothing down her skirt.

"Yes, of course. Because giving hateful looks to every couple in Avonlea is a completely normal past time." Charlie nodded.

She rolled her eyes for what seemed like the millionth time. "I'm just tired of seeing everyone act so love stricken because of a dance."

Charlie nudged the horse onto the path and seemed to think. "I think you're just focusing too much on couples because you got your feelings hurt."

Green Eyed BeautyWhere stories live. Discover now