Chapter 16

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"What about this one?"

Jade refrained from ripping her hair off her scalp as her mother held up what seemed like the millionth dress in the last 3 hours. With the dance being Saturday, Jade's mother dragged the unwilling brunette to Charlottetown after school to find a dress, despite how many times she said she had no plans to go to the blasted event.

She glanced at the plain pink dress with too many ruffles and not enough neckline.

"It's ugly." She deadpanned. The older woman rolled her eyes, giving the seamstress the dress back with an apologetic look.

"How many more dresses are you going to hate before you finally see something suitable?" She scoffed, smoothing down the deep brown skirt she had donned with a creamy silk blouse. Perfectly suited for Charlottetown.

Jade glanced around the boutique. Everything was too much. Too lacey, too satiny, too sparkly. Nothing suited for a dance full of teenagers.

"When you recognize that I have no desire to go mingle with every 18 year old in Avonlea on a weekend." She retaliated.

Her mother drifted towards another row of mannequins, all dressed in elaborate gowns, gesturing for the seamstress to follow her. Jade rolled her eyes and wandered around the small store aimlessly, trying to think of ways to leave the boutique without getting in trouble. Her eyes caught sight of the candle burning near the register and considered setting the place on fire altogether.

I'd be doing the women around here a favor. Jade mused as she looked at an especially yellow dress.

Looking out the window, she could see the bustling crowds that made up Charlottetown. Families that had just gotten out of church, young women enjoying their day off, important-looking men that wore too much hair product, and couples who seemed to be oblivious to the rest of the world. Jade caught sight of a particular young couple who held hands as they looked through a patisserie's window.

The young man didn't look much older than 20 and his presumed beau looked of the same age as him. She was avidly pointing to something in the window while he stared at her with a deep, soul-reading look that made even Jade feel seen from her spot in the boutique across the street. After a few more seconds of chattering, the man pulled the smiling girl by her hand into the shop, throwing her a wink as the door closed behind them.

The wink.

The memory of Gilbert Blythe winking at her at dinner from a couple of weeks prior emerged, effectively distracting the girl from whatever she had been doing. She remembered the way his hands gently yet firmly rested on her waistline in the middle of the forest, their bodies much closer than she ever would have allowed in any other situation with a boy. Jade recalled glancing at his lips, wondering what would happen if she had moved her face a mere 2 inches more and closed the gap between them.

Enough of that. She scolded herself, placing her hands on her now burning cheeks. He's simply a classmate. An extremely attractive and intelligent classmate that you have a minuscule crush on.

"Jade! Come look at this dress, darling!" Her mother's voice cut across the store. Cringing, she made her way over to her mother who was fussing over a dress that was out of Jade's line of view.

"What god-forsaken dress have you-"

Her snarky comment died in her throat as she laid eyes on a gorgeous emerald green dress. Out of her peripheral vision, Jade saw her mother and the seamstress share a knowing look.

"I'll go wrap it up for you ladies." The saleswoman smiled. Jade watched as she carried away the dress and felt her mother stand next to her.

"I told you we'd find a dress here." She smirked. Adjusting the belt on her skirt, she cleared her throat. "I take it no one has asked you to the dance yet?"

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