~Trick or Treating~

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Y/N pov:

I woke up at 5:30 in the morning because I have to get Amy and myself ready for school. My alarm rang and I slowly opened my eyes. I was always tired and I slowly turned off the alarm clock. When I turned it off, I wiped my eyes, sat on the bed and went to the bathroom. I washed my face because I was always tired. I turned on cold water and splashed it on my face. Then I completely woke up and wiped my face with a towel. I took my toothbrush and put toothpaste on it. I brushed my teeth quickly and in the meantime combed my hair so I wouldn't look like a hag. After I brushed my teeth, I spat out the paste I had in my mouth and washed my mouth. I kept my hair back so it wouldn't get wet. I didn't do my hair because I still don't have a t-shirt on. I quickly went to my room, took my clothes and went to change. I was already changed and when I finally put on my shirt I went to the bathroom again and did my hair. When I did them, I put on a light perfume and went to wake Amy up. I came to Amy and quietly told her to get up. Amy always wakes up to this and that's when Amy quietly answered, "Mmm, I'm already awake Y/N." I smiled and patted her head and went down the stairs to the kitchen. I quickly made breakfast for Amy and then for myself. Amy takes a while to get up, so I managed to have breakfast. Then Amy came downstairs already dressed. "I already made you breakfast, it's here on the table." I showed Amy where she had her breakfast and she came with a smile. She took breakfast and we had breakfast together. It was exactly 6:30 and when I had breakfast, I quickly went to prepare my books for school. Amy did the same, and when we had everything, we headed out. Our schools were not very far, so we walked. We talked about different things and mainly Amy talked about Halloween.

When we were in front of Amy's school, we went inside, I escorted Amy to her class. Amy hugged me and that's when I heard Teacher Nelson's voice. Teacher Nelson is Amy's class teacher and I was with her when I was younger and she knows everything about our parents. "Mrs. Y/N/L, how are you and Amy doing?" Teacher Nelson asked me, and then I turned and said, "Teacher Nelson, it's nice to see you again. So far we are doing well." I smiled and so did Teacher Nelson. "If I'm not mistaken, you should switch to normal work soon, right?" The teacher asked me and I nodded my head in agreement. "Yes, it's getting closer. I believe that when I find a normal job, we will be better off." I said, and then the teacher smiled at me and said, "Okay, I already believe that you have to go, so I won't hold you back." I smiled at the teacher and said goodbye to her and Amy and went to school.

I arrived at my school, went to my locker and took only the textbooks I needed and went to class. Since I don't have many friends in the class, I also took a book with me. When I came to the classroom, as always, the girls were in groups and the boys were running and hanging out in the classroom. I sat down at my desk and started reading. Then the bell rang and I already knew that my cells would have to work for several hours again.


We're finally done and we're finally going home. When all of us students went out, a few of them sprayed some things and everyone told each other to enjoy Halloween. I went to pick up Amy and when I got to the school, Amy was already out of the classroom. She ran to me and said ,,Y/N!" She hugged me and I and teacher Nelson talked a little and then we went home.

When we were halfway there, Amy asked me, "Y/N? Have you already chosen what you want to be for Halloween?" Amy smiled and I answered, "Well, I don't know yet. I think you'll have to pick something for me this Halloween." I smiled at Amy and I knew that Amy wouldn't choose the wrong clothes for me because she understands that I don't like to walk around in dresses and similar things. Amy was getting more and more excited every minute and when we arrived home Amy threw her bag on the floor and immediately ran to change. I just giggled and went to my room. I put my bag down and Amy came to me dressed. I was surprised at how quickly she dresses, so I said, "You've never dressed so quickly like this before . Okay, come here and pick out some clothes for me for Halloween." Amy smiled at me and immediately opened my closet and started looking through my clothes. She picked out a hat and said, "No hat this Halloween." She threw it on my bed and kept looking. She picked out my new jeans that I bought and said, "Meh very old fashioned." She threw them on my bed and then I said to her, "Really? I recently bought them." Amy just laughed softly and then took out a white blouse and said, "This would work. Some more pants or jeans and some decorations." I didn't know what she wanted me to become, but I believed her. Amy pulled out my black pants and said, "This is better." She picked up more things and when she had them all she said, "Come on, come on. I hope you like it." Amy smiled at me and I took my clothes that Amy had chosen for me and went to change. When I changed my clothes, I said to myself that Amy did not make a bad choice.

(This is the outfit that Amy chose <3 if you don't like it, feel free to choose another outfit, the main thing is to be satisfied <3)

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(This is the outfit that Amy chose <3 if you don't like it, feel free to choose another outfit, the main thing is to be satisfied <3)

I came to Amy and asked, "Well, it looks very nice, but the main question is what am I?" Amy smiled at me and answered, "Well, I don't know the answer to that question. But the main thing is that you look very nice." Amy smiled at me and I laughed softly. "It could be some super secret policewoman." I told Amy who, when she heard my answer, was only more pleased and replied ,,Yes! It's great! I have a big sister who is a policewoman." Amy smiled and so did I. Time passed like water and it was time.

We went outside and there were a lot of kids outside. "So where do we start and where do we end?" I asked with a smile and Amy grabbed my hand and said, "We'll start with our neighbors and finish when I get tired" Amy laughed a little and we went. At every house where we went caroling, Amy and I were told that we look very nice today for Halloween. And that pleased me and especially Amy. Amy has confessed to me several times that this is the best Halloween she can have. 2 hours passed and then Amy told me that she was tired. We went home and when I opened the door there were 3 women sitting there.

(Hello! I apologize that this part is short but I promise you that the next part will be longer. That's why this part is short because it's already very late in our country and I wanted to finish it already :D But I hope you liked this part  <3 Ok! That's all I wanted to say and I wish you a nice rest of the day/night <3)

Unexpected Love ~Sarah Sanderson x Femine reader~Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora