Girl Meets World (2)

339 17 1

t/w: swearing, drug usage

We walk down the stairs into the station following the sound of music coming from Dweezil. "Dweezil!" Maya and I yell in unison interrupting the mans performance. "Maya! Brad! Who's the new chick?" he questions. "Chick! Down here I'm a chick! No wonder my parents don't want me on the subway" riley yells, way to excitedly. "Calm Down riley they practically told you to come" straight after i felt a smack hit the back of my head. "Sorry" I say sarcastically feeling Maya step on my foot at the response. I just stare at her and fully apologise to Riley before hearing Jake yell from across the station "YO HUNTER U COMING!" I signal a response before saying goodbye to the girls and running up to him.


" Jake man where we going?" I question as we walk through the streets of New York pulling out a joint from my pocket. " New spot we found last night do you never check the group chat" he laughs before pulling out his lighter and passing it to me knowing the Matthews had taken mine two days before. I take the lighter from him lighting the joint and taking a drag, pocketing the lighter because I know he won't ask for it back. "Yeah but Jake bro we have school in like 10 minutes and usually I wouldn't care but we have Cory first and he's already suspicious since he found the lighter." Jake nods his head in agreement before turning around back. "Yh bro I get ya wouldn't want you to get caught. Not because I care or anything. Just because that would mean they would link it back to me" I just laugh as I take another drag and give it to him " yeah yeah whatever helps you sleep at night" he pushes me before running, me taking off after him.

We arrive at school 10 minutes late, early for us to be honest, and begin walking down the halls of the school not paying attention to where I was going and slamming straight into someone way taller then me. "I'm sorry i wasnt watching where i was going" the person said backing away. "Yeah i can tell" he just nods his head before walking away. Me and Jake start up our conversation again until we get interrupted again by the same guy. "Hi i'm sorry to bother you again I'm Lucas I'm new and i dont know where i'm going." yeah that much is obvious i say in my head as i put my hand out for him to pass his timetable. He does and it turns out hes with us. "Hi im Jake this is Bradley sorry about the rudeness he hasn't had nicotine in a while" Jake jokes and i slap him in the chest in retaliation. "You're in the same class as us lucky you follow us" he does and we round the corner to cory's classroom. "You go first your new"

Lucas opens the door us stood behind him as Cory asks "Who are you i dont know who you are?" I laugh and push in front of Lucas "Cory I am wounded I have slept in the room opposite yours for at least a decade and you don't know who I am." He looks at me unamused. " I was obviously talking about the young man behind you" i laugh as i get an idea. God I love annoying people. I put on my best games host accent and say " Well right here on my left we have the dashingly good looking Jake Miller my ex-boyfriend and best friend since the age of 5 suprised you don't remember him. And over here on my right we have Lucas. Thats pretty much all I know so how about we change that. Lucas what is your name what is your age and where do you come from?" and i pass him the imaginary microphone. "I'm Lucas Friar from Austin Texas" he tells cory as he hands him his transfer papers I'm guessing.  "New student Mr Friar" Matthews questions. "Well no shit Cory" I say only getting a stern look from him. I feel getting shoved from behind. "Mate sit down and shut up. seriously how much did you smoke" Jake  mutters to me only getting a grumble of a reply as we take our seats me next to Farkle and him behind me.

"Right so now that i've got the attention of the class I'd like you to turn to page 48. Now i'd like you to turn to page one. Now i'd like you to read page 1 to 48" Cory says and whilst most people moaned about it i didnt quite mind. Reading is an ok assignment, better then projects I cant be assed to do those. " For tonight's assignment i'd like ypu to right me a three page essay on anything. Anything at all that you guys believe in so strongly you'd fight for it'" I spoke to soon.
"That i'd fight for no homework I come here every day; why can't you teach me everything I need to know while I'm here." Maya asks standing up. "PREACH SISTER" I yell agreeing with her hearing Riley's "woo" change to "not woo". Maya moved from her seat to the front of the class getting everyones attention "He gets our days, let's take back our nights. No homework, more freedom! Who's with me?No homework, more freedom! No homework, more freedom! No homework, more freedom!". In the end Maya whispers something to Riley and she stands up talking to her father while Jake and i try to comfort Farkle. "My education? Or my women? My education? Or my women? My education? Or my women" he chants hyperventilating. I rub my hand on his shoulder in a comforting motion trying to calm him down. "Farkle you shouldn't base your decisions off of people you like make them for yourself" i say hoping he would ignore the double standard of me saying that "how can you say that when u literally got held back because you never came to school because of a boy" he retaliates god i'm jinxing myself today. "uncalled for" i mutter before Farkle interrupts collapsing. "It's happening again sir" he says going down. I yell for Cory telling him me and Jake are talking him to the nurse.
"Mr Miller can take Farkle me and you Mr Hunter need to talk" Matthews says obviously angry and completely over the fact his entire class had walked out.

Next part will be released some time in the coming week 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2023 ⏰

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