Girl Meets World (1)

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A/N: The outfit at the top is always gonna be what Bradley is wearing that day. Also this is my second book so don't expect the best. As i finish this season i will more then likely go back and edit all this.

I am sat at the bay window with my more or less sister Riley and our best friend Maya trying to get Riley to sneak out the window.

"Why do we need to sneak out of the house if we're not doing anything wrong until we sneak onto the subway?" Riley questions to me and our best friend. "oh you sweet sweet innocent child you think you're ready to just walk by your parents?" i look her dead in the eyes as she says "i think i'm ready, also you're only 1 month older then me"

"I'm still older" I say smirking at her " anyway... Let me see your face as we walk past your parents "Maya says before us two being given a weird  face by Riley. "why you pulling that face at us riley?" I question pretending to be Cory "Because I'm sneaking out to the subway." she answers before pointing outside. "Out the window." we nod as Maya agrees "Let's go". We are half way out the window when we get met with the face of Mr Cory Matthews himself. "Daddy what are you doing out here" "Being smarter then me that's what" I knew we should have used my window, no one would be waiting there". We start backing out way back into Riley's room and sit on her bed.

Cory gets through the window and stands in front of us, great a Cory Matthews lecture. "Here's what I'm thinking. Its not your world yet. Its still my world. Because if it was your world, Maya and Brad would have you on the subway now thinking put something over on me. But you didn't. Know how I know? Look at ya."

He stands their praising in his goodness, when sweet innocent Riley asks "How long do I have to live in my fathers world" In which she gets the reply "until you make it yours. Riley, do you know what I want more then anything. Go ahead. Make it yours." I see Topanga walk in and I send her a wink, and she gives one back. "I will. And when I do, will you still, be there for me?" God Riley we're going on the subway not to another state. Topanga cuts of my thoughts "Right here. We'll be right here" The two girls nod, hook arms and go skipping out the door, knowing i will catch them up. I get off the bed to go follow them but as I make it out of the bedroom door I turn back around to see my technically parents "Wait how come when I try and sneak out to go to the subway I get grounded, but when your daughter does it, you encourage it?" They smile at me. "Because Bradley when she does it, for the first time may I add, the does it to go to school when you do it however, your doing god knows what at 2 in the morning" Cory reasons. I nod my head and bring my arm to my neck " yeah fair enough to be honest". "YO HUNTER YOU COMING" I hear Maya yell from down the hall, I yell yeah back before going to hug Topanga and running after them.

Im reposting this story. I will try to be constant but i'm starting college so next week might be a bit non consistent.

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Sorry for this chapter being short

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