Several guards walked into the room, each heavily armed. They marched towards the girls and tried to pull them apart. Rosalind clung to her sister's hand with all the strength she had, but it wasn't enough. The guard hauled Rosalind into his arms, as she struggled to stay with her sister.

"Don't let go Natalia." She screamed in Russian as tears streamed down her face.

But as the words fell from her mouth another guard stepped behind Natasha and restrained her, breaking the bond. Both Natasha and Rosalind were screaming, pleading.

But their pleas were ignored.

"NATALIA!" Rosalind screeched as the guard began to leave the room, Rosalind in his arms.

"Natalia, please, help!"

"ROSIE!" Natasha screamed. "LET ME GO!" She roared at the guard as she struggled in his grasp.

"Please!" Rosalind pleaded, still trying to claw her way to her sister.

"ROSALIND!" Natasha shouted, using her sister's full name.

Rosalind watched helplessly, still struggling, as the guard hauled her out of the room. The door slammed shut with a loud 'BANG' as if it were sentencing her.

Sentencing her to a life without her sister.

As Rosalind was was half lifted, half dragged down the corridor, she heard Natasha's voice one last time. It seemed to echo through the corridors, bringing every emotion with it. Determination, anger, sadness, loss, love.

"I will find you Rosie. I won't give up."


Rosalind came out of the memory and focused her eyes. She first looked at Wanda who had a heartbroken expression on her face.

"Oh, Rosalind." Pietro whispered.

Rosalind turned to where Pietro sat. He placed his hand on her cheek and wiped his thumb under her eye. She had been crying. Rosalind looked Pietro in the eye and crumbled. It felt good to tell someone that story, but all the emotions that she had kept chained up flooded back. Sobs racked her body as Pietro pulled her into his arms. He whispered comforting words to her and ran his hand along her hair. When she couldn't cry anymore tears she pull herself out of Pietro's embrace and wiped her eyes.

"I- I'm sorry." She said. "I don't know what came over me."

Pietro just smiled. "It's okay Rosalind. I'll always be there for you, anytime."

Rosalind felt her face turn slightly crimson at Pietro's words.

"And me!" Wanda piped in. The other girl hadn't wanted to intrude on the private moment between her brother and Rosalind so she sat quietly as Pietro had comforted her. She climbed off the bed and hugged Rosalind, making her laugh lightly.

The door opened and in walked a very flustered guard. He was clearly very young - younger than Rosalind. She thought that this could be their chance at escaping. That was until another guard stepped in. This one was much calmer and stronger. Not to mention very heavily armed. He was obviously very experienced. They didn't speak as they herded the three out of the room. They were led to a lab of sorts and ordered to stand in a corner.

Painted in Crimson ⇨ P. MaximoffWhere stories live. Discover now