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"Are you Serious Jeongguk? Like seriously? Out of anywhere in this world, You can scent your mate in this dense forest area? Wow. Your mate might have playing soccer somewhere?"

This is, Captain Namjoon, the Chief guard of the Prince of Minotaur Kingdom, Jeon Jeongguk. He is now looking at his Prince with a scared aura.

They are standing near the boarder area of their Kingdom. Where Rogues live in utter harmony without anyone's interference. Moreover this is totally prohibited area for the royal family to enter here. As according to the Queen, (Jeongguk's mother), Rogues are low caste people, they will only bring bad luck to them, so the far Rogues are, The better Royals are.

But look what happened now? As Jeongguk and Namjoon were here nearby for a run and The mighty Prince is now stubbornly going towards the prohibited area without even listening to any protests he is making. Because THE MAN JUST SCENTED HIS MATE NEARBY!!!!

Well he is indeed happy that The Jeon Jeongguk has finally found his mate. But here? No no no this is must be a joke.

"Hyung this moment is not for your usual meaning less lines. Just follow me in utter silence." Jeongguk glared walking forth.

"What? Silence? Me? You are kidding right? Right????Wait!!! FOR GOD SAKE JEONGGUK!Where the hell are you going?!"

"Hyung believe me. the smell of my mate is pulling me here... It's not that I want to come too...but the scent. It's like... Like ....ummm strawberry?"

"For At least moon goddess' sake Jeongguk if anyhow My queen get to know that her Precious son is getting inside of a rogue place, I don't think She would take it lightly. And Strawberry? Bro look around... We are practically standing amidst of a Strawberry farm. You are just hallucinating. Please I request you without Any serious thought Let's get going- JEONGGUK!!!!"

Namjoon marched with the Man who doesn't seem to care about his guard's pleads at this moment. Only walking forth while smiling like a fool.


"Hyung shhh!!!" Jeongguk pointed his finger to his mouth signalling the other to keep quiet.

"Whisper* My mate is near." The True blood said.

"Whisper* What? All I could see here is strawberries and it's branches." Namjoon mumbled sweating away the strawberry leaves along making a way for them.

"Whisper* I swear She is here. My Mate is here. I can smell her. And believe me She is an Omega... A very fragile omega....I kno- What? AAAHHHHH!!!!"

Both the male got startled with a sight, Where a boy, a very tiny looking boy sitting on the ground with a mouthful of something munching them like a hungry animal along with a lot of strawberries splattering all over the ground, over his dress and his chubby cheeks... Only his blue Eyes are something that is not mingling with strawberry. Believe me...

My Darling Omega |TAEKOOK|Where stories live. Discover now